Chapter 2

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After surveying and taking pictures of the scene, Bradley made the call to Tom's daughter. She was the only living family member that the detectives could find.

"Hi, my name is Detective Bradley Piper. Is this Michelle Buckolt, daughter of Tom Buckolt?"


"I have some very tragic news about your father."

"If you are going to tell me that he is drunk and got beat up again, save it."

"No, actually your father was found murdered right outside of his bakery."

There was a long pause on the phone

"I will be down there soon."

After hanging up with the daughter, Bradley collected all of the pictures and evidence that was taken from the crime scene.

Like he always did at crime scenes, he took a moment to imagine what could have happened.

He closed his eyes.

A stab wound to the stomach. A tattoo. Signs of plastic surgery. A phone number.

He was starting to think that maybe he had been in a gang of some sort. Maybe he didn't pay a sum of money, but then why would his cash and cards still be in his wallet? Maybe he had been running from someone.

Bradley opened his eyes and stared up at the buildings along the alley way. He saw a quick flash of a face in the window. Male.

Before he could investigate further, a red jeep pulled up to the curb. Assuming that this was Michelle, he made his way over.

She showed no resemblance to her father. Tom Buckolt was an overweight and highly unattractive man whereas his daughter was surprisingly stunning. She had a way about her that made everyone stop and stare.

While everyone else stared a little too long, Detective Bradley took a quick glimpse and then walked over. He was unfazed by attractive women. He had seen too many the culprit of a case.

"Are you Detective Bradley?"

Her face showed no signs of tears. Not yet.

"Yes I am."

"I want to see my father."

"I am not permited to allow that right now. We need to clean him up before..."

"No. I am going to see him right now."

She brushed past Detective Bradley and made her way over to the crime scene.

When she got there, she stopped abruptly. Her hands hung loose at her sides. She took a deep breath. Still no tears ran down her face.

Seemingly unaware of the caution tape, she walked over to her father's body. People shouted at her to stop. Detective Bradley just stood and watched. He had the last call and everyone looked to him to say something.

Michelle knelt down and looked at his face.

"This is not my father."

She got up and walked back to her jeep. Before she could get in the car, Detective Bradley ran over.

"We would like to question you about what we found."

"Sure I will meet you at the station. But don't talk about my father like he is dead. I know he is still alive."

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