Chapter 17

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Michelle didn't care what was going on around her. She heard shouts and guns goes off, but she lay her head on Bradley and cried her heart out.

She had been the cause of his death. If she would have just went with Hank, none of this would have happened. She was just too stubborn to have gone with him.

Her body shuddered as the last available tear fell. She kissed his face over and over again. She ran her hands over his facial features, explicitly trying to remember every detail of them. She had never even gotten to do what she wanted with his lips.

Someone pulled her from behind, and she began to scream and protest. She had to be near Bradley.

"Shhhh, it's ok Michelle, it's me, Benito."

Benito held Michelle in his arms and his heart crashed. She looked so devastated. Her eyes were almost swollen shut from all of her crying. He wrapped his arms around her and calmed her down with soothing words.

He picked her up in his arms and took her up to his bedroom. He set her down in his bed and then got in beside her. He had told his men to bury the body before he went to his room.

He snuggled up beside Michelle to give her some comfort. She was very stoic. She didn't move or cry out anymore. She just lay there and stared at the ceiling as Benito began to caress her hair. He noticed this seemed to calm her down.

"What happened to Hank? Is he dead?"

Benito could hear the hope in Michelle's question. She wanted Hank to pay for Bradley's death.

"He got away Michelle, I am sorry. He said he was coming back for you."

She turned her head to look at Benito and she had pure fear in her eyes.

"No, please."

She said it almost as a whisper. She was so afraid.

"Don't worry, I will keep you safe. I have hired five more men to keep guard outside the house."

She didn't look relieved. In fact, she looked more terrified.

"I need to get away from this area. I need to leave."

"No, Michelle. You have to stay here. If you run away again, then he will be sure to find you."

She said nothing, but she started to formulate a plan to escape. She knew for certain if she stayed here, then Hank would come back. She didn't have the courage to face him anymore.

"I know what you are thinking."

Benito could see it in her eyes that she was planning to escape.

"If you want to go that bad then I am coming with you."

Michelle turned to him with surprise.

"I will leave my men here to pretend that we are still living in my house. We can leave in the morning with my truck and drive to the nearest town, which is about 20 miles away."

Michelle didn't really have a choice. To her this sounded like the best option.


Benito smiled. On the road with this beautiful girl was going to drive him crazy.

Michelle got out of bed and started to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to my room."


Michelle wanted to, but she couldn't think about another man right now. She needed time alone.

She shook her head no and then walked back to her room.

Benito watched in sadness as Michelle left. He wanted so badly to be able to comfort her and kiss her goodnight. He wanted her so bad, but he knew she needed some time for herself. He closed his eyes, already antsy for the morning to come.


Sorry for the slow chapter. Things are about to pick up again though, so hold on.

Thanks again for reading this. It means a lot to me.

And remember, feel free to like or comment.

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