Chapter 20

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The next few days went by in a haze. Michelle felt that there was nothing left to fight for.

Her father was dead.

Bradley was dead.

Her mother betrayed her.

Benito was likely dead.

And Hank had her once again.

Hank tried to talk to her, but she was no better than a vegetable.

She didn't respond.

She didn't eat.

She didn't cry.

Her body was numb from all of the pain. Her normally fierce spirit was all but gone. Hank must have seen this in her because he left her alone for the time being. Maybe he had finally realized how much he had ruined her life.

She had watched out the window as hundreds of trees went by. There was no use in covering up her eyes. The guards, Hank, and her all knew that she would never get out again.

She had watched as they drove through the gates and then into the giant complex where Hank lived.

When Hank tried to get Michelle to get out of the car, she stared blankly at him. He finally got the memo and took her in his arms and carried her in. She normally would have cringed at his touch, but today she didn't even care.

He seemed to have been carrying her forever before they finally reached their destination. A screeching door opened and he dropped her on the hard, stone floor and left.

She looked around in horror at the room she was in. It was the room where everything started. It was the room she had been in before her father had died. It was the room she had been in before Bradley had died.

Blood was still on the floor where she had been whipped. Her ripped shirt still lay there all alone. She still did not cry as the memories and pain came rushing back to her. She wished with all of her might that she could go back in time and save all the people that had died because of her. 

The door opened and she watched Hank walk in slowly. A guard was posted outside the door and he closed and locked the door behind Hank.

Hank walked over and knelt beside Michelle who sat on the floor.

He put his hand out and stroked her cheek.

"We have been through a lot together baby."

He waited for a feisty response from Michelle, but he got none.

"Are you broken baby? Did I break you?"

Michelle stared straight ahead at the wall. She just wanted him to stop touching her and leave her alone.

Hank grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

"Look at me. Say something."

Hank was getting infuriated. He realized that he preferred her feisty attitude to this stoic statue that she was acting like.

"Michelle. Talk to me."

A slap reared across Michelle's face. She felt the sting, but she still remained silent. She wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing her in pain anymore.

He then took both of his hands and kissed her forcefully.

She did not respond to his kiss. Her lips stayed firmly sealed.

He bit her lip and she gasped, allowing him to enter her mouth.

Michelle felt bile rising in her throat. She felt disgusted by him.

He then pushed her to the floor and straddled her waist.

She felt another one of her shirts being ripped.

The sound of her shirt being ripped suddenly pulled her out of her daze. She felt all of her emotions rush back. The fight in her seemed to rise back up. She knew she had little strength left, but she would rather die than be used by Hank.

She thrust her hips up, causing him to lose his balance. She then palmed his face hard. She crawled out from under him as he held his bloodied nose.

She went and stood as far away from him as possible.

She watched as he smiled from the ground.

"I knew you still had some fight left in you."

He slowly started to rise up and walk towards her.

She didn't wait for him to make the first move, she rushed at him full force.

His smile made her furious. She could see the shock register in his eyes as she sent a punch soaring into his stomach.

He keeled over, holding his abdomen.

She then kneed him in the groin and watched as he fell to the ground.

"Don't ever touch me again."

Michelle said those words with such hate that Hank was truly scared.

He called for his guards to come in and help him up.

Two guards rushed in. They stared in shock at his crumpled figure on the floor.

One of them started to walk him out and Hank told the other to give me a nice lesson.

The door closed behind Hank and the other guard. The guard that was left was huge. He started to walk towards Michelle like a lion stalking its prey.

Michelle got in a fighting stance. She drew up all of the anger she felt from the past couple of weeks and then prepared herself for another fight. One she knew she could not win.

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