Chapter 3: Caterpillar, Butlers, Wait, What?

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After a few hours of smiling, introductions, trying to look sweet, and talking about suitors, (which was a very sour topic for me) speaking of which, I've never even had a serious chat with one of those beings called 'boys'.

In the middle of my thoughts, I carefully and quietly slipped between people, heading to the kitchen to try and get some sweets to calm myself.

As the party droned on, impatience started to get me crabby. And since I didn't want anyone to see that I was a spoiled child who wanted so badly to get to my room and sleep, I had to get away from these boring people somehow. Unfortunately, the kitchen was already filled with old men laughing together with giant beer glasses in their hands as they surrounded the buffet table.

I sighed in exasperation, finding that talking with these high-ranking people for two hours straight was a feat I didn't like to do at all. They only seemed to talk about business, money, and they kept boasting about how big their companies are.

Ah, how annoying. If I'm gonna grow up like this, I'd rather be a mute.

Once a lady with crazy golden hair pinned up like a bee hive stepped on my feet with her own heavy heels, something in me snapped and the urge to throw my shoe at any unfortunate soul to encounter me was getting harder to control.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry dear!" she gasped, not looking sorry at all.

Despite me wanting to shove my palm up her all too powder covered face, I resisted the urge and instead gave a tight smile and polite nod. I then scurried out the kitchen and managed to reach the backdoor and escape the crowds.

Once I felt the cold air gently kiss my face, a relieved sigh escaped my lips before I quickly melted to the grass covered floor, staring up at the bright half-moon with very tired eyes. "Ahh, I wanna sleep..." I sighed heavily, hearing the crickets chirp in the darkness-one of the most calming sounds I've ever heard.

"Moon, you're so lucky to be up there." I muttered, carefully getting up and stepping down the short flight of stairs. "If you were in there, you wouldn't like it. It's horribly cramped. Not to mention the tear gases known as perfumes being worn by the older women inside."

I sighed and started wondering what people would say if they saw me talking to the moon. Apart from mother, father and Sophie, Miss Remmington has already seen me talk to myself before. And unlike my family who seemingly accepted my weirdness, my tutor was a little anxious around me that time.

It was a day after mother and father went on a trip to another city and I was terribly bored, and depressed.

I wanted to come along with them but since it was an affair I wouldn't understand, they told me it was better to just study and watch over my little sister at home.

And thanks to that, I ended up talking about zebras, puppies and rubber. After seeing me in that dreamy state, Miss Remmington seemed to talk to me in a more gentle, slow and troubled way. Is if I were an asylum patient. Well, that could've been the case.

Shaking myself from my thoughts, I turned back my head to the back door. Surely no one's gonna see me here now?

Seeing that I've closed the door well, a small smile rose on my face. I then reached down, pulling my shoes off and putting them aside.

Now that my feet were free of contraptions that were likely to make me trip, I dashed across the grass, my hair tossing in the cool breeze as I headed to my favorite tree. I think it's kinda obvious now, but I really love being around trees. Ever since I was younger, I've had this fondness if climbing them and staying there for hours on end. (One reason is because I couldn't come down myself.)

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