Chapter 27: Tanks, For The Trip To New York

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Sarah's POV:

Marcus has been running non-stop for a long time now. I don't know exactly what time it is already, but the rain still hasn't stopped.

As he ran with me in his arms, the wind beat hard against our bodies. For me it was like running against a tornado, the wall of air continuously trying to push us away like tiny leaves.

But apparently Marcus couldn't feel that.

These entire hours, I'd been silent in his arms, completely exhausted and literally drained. (Thanks to bastard Michaelis, that is.)

Other than the crazy storm we were running through and the fact that I don't know where we're headed, I was slightly bothered by how Marcus hasn't said one word at all. Usually, he would probably be lecturing me and sighing with exasperation the entire time.

I looked up at him, squinting through the rain dripping on my face from his midnight hair. He looked straight ahead, not even bothered by the rain stabbing at his eyes and kept a straight expressionless face.

He must've known I looked up at him since he opened his mouth.

"Just hold on." he simply said, gripping me tighter in his arms.

I did as he said and simply stared at nothing.

Sleeping wasn't an option for me at the moment. I was afraid I might not wake up anymore.

After a few longer moments, the rain finally seemed to be ceasing along with Marcus' speed. I was about to ask where we are when we totally stopped and I froze in his arms.

Enveloping me like the wings of a giant vulture was darkness and a ringing silence eating at my ears.

I was about to ask where we were when Marcus carefully moved and seemed to pull me down. Soon, I felt the cold, solid floor underneath me.

 Feeling my way around, I realized we were most probably in a cave. But since it was deep in the night, I couldn't see a thing.

"Marcus?" I called, my small and weak voice bouncing off the cave walls.

"Save your strength." Marcus' voice replied as I heard his shoes crunch through the rocks and twigs on the floor.

"A few more minutes of you talking and you'll faint." he said. After that, I kept my mouth shut. I don't like blacking out.

A second later, Marcus snapped his fingers and my eyes dilated before I totally shut them from the sudden burst of fire in the cave.

Peeking from my lashes, I squinted at the small fire in the middle of the cave Marcus had magically started. After taking care of the fire, he shook of his coat and trudged towards me, easily taking me into his arms and bringing me closer to the warm fire before plopping his heavy coat over my shoulders.

He then pulled up the long sleeve of his red dress shirt which even with his coat, stuck to his skin thanks to the rain and exposed his pale wrist before somehow cutting it in a flash.

"Drink." He ordered and I immediately did so, taking in my fill and getting my energy back.

After a few minutes of drinking his blood, I pulled away, sighing heavily.

"God, that was close." I muttered.

Marcus stared at me, saying nothing as the fire crackled before us.

He then looked away and sighed.

"I was about to go in after you." he said, making me glance at him from the corner of my eye.

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