Chapter 12: Horror Headache

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Probably ages have past, and tons of things have happened that I considered to be amusing, nerve wracking and...enlightening.

Sebastian seems to have a roommate he's somehow close to, they pretty much look like the kind of love-hate friends....maybe. I dunno. Every time I come near the butler and Suit-a tall, very serious guy with glasses hiding green eyes, the prickle in the air around them never fails to make me shudder.

As for Ciel...well, he's pretty much having a hard time too. Back in the early morning, he peeled the potatoes too thickly (which Sebastian fixed), he came out dressed in such a sloppy way (which Sebastian fixed), and just now, I saw him and that freckled kid get dosed by a bucket of ice cold water in the open bath.

Pretty hard to investigate with a roommate. Plus, the kid's pretty much like a little puppy, smiling around Ciel, trailing and dragging him all over the place while we did the chores.

I sighed to myself, a little thankful my roommate was, well, anti social and kept to himself rather than ask uncomfortable questions.

Looking up again, I quickly jumped back, staying out of the way right before Ciel ran past me from inside the men's open shower, soaking wet with his clothes still on.

Staring at his small retreating form, I knit my brows at the thing I noticed something peculiar.

"What was that mark on Ciel's back?" I thought to myself, recalling the rust colored mark on the earl's skin. Didn't look like a tattoo. Adding to that, Ciel doesn't strike me as the kind of person to do something like that.

As everyone in the bath wondered at Ciel's sudden outburst, I blinked to myself and decided to follow him.

"Tch, suddenly disappearing like that with soaked clothes...really." I clicked with slight annoyance as I turned on my heel.

I've already been searching for an hour, but somehow...that kid's hidden pretty well. The edge of my mouth twitched in growing annoyance but I kept walking around, quietly scanning the place for that blue hair through the passing people.

When I was about to head to the carriages, my wrist was grabbed by something cold and hard.

"Hey, King-"

It was Joker.

At that second, my heart stopped as an unfamiliar and very hot feeling creeped speedily up from my chest and to my face, making its way to my eyes.

As they throbbed, my throat suddenly felt dry and course, like the inside was turning into sand paper. As if on instinct, I coughed hard, trying to get rid of the annoying feeling. But instead, my throat made a gravel filled sound as if I've been smoking a dozen packs of smokes a day.

My eyes went wide at the startling sound that still wouldn't cease under the cover of my palm.

"What the hell?!"


I heard Joker shout from next to my ear, fear and worry wrapping his voice.

"What's wrong?!"

Once he let go of my wrist, and placed his hand on my back, my head throbbed harder this time, making me gasp and cringe at the sudden wave of red pain. Glancing up, my surroundings suddenly wobbled.

What the hell is going on?! Something makes me think that eating too much this morning then heading straight to training took its toll on me.

But there was something else. Somewhere deep inside my chest was this burning, throbbing sensation that just made me bare my teeth menacingly at Joker as I gritted them, barely holding in a growl.

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