"Tell me what bothers you more: Not having a family or not gaining daddy's affection after all you have done for him?" he asked nastily.

Her face grew a beet red.

"You have no right to judge me. I have been through a lot and you..."

"And I am supposed to feel sorry for you?"

That hurt.

"I don't need your pity, Stefan." She told him.

"Good because I won't give it."

"If I didn't l didn't love you so much, I..."

"You haven't the slightest idea what the word 'love' means."

"I won't bother arguing with you. You owe me your life. You should show appreciation by letting me go."

"So you can return to your fellow Renegades and plan my demise?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Sergei would have my head and he would make sure that I feel every bit of it. My constant visitation amused him but I do not have any doubt that he would have my head the way he did Marina."


The thought of her still moved him despite her betrayal. She had betrayed him and he hated her for that. But he still longed for her. He was partly to blame for her betrayal. If he hadn't raped her on their wedding night, she would have reacted differently. He was quite sure of that. She had been troubled and he had been unable to help her. He should have wiped the memory of Sergei from her mind. Big mistake. He had lost his true mate as a result.

"She was not your true mate. I am." Lorena growled, letting him know that she had read his mind.

He had been so distracted that he hadn't seen nor heard her move. With a thought he slammed her against the wall, the force literally stealing her breath away. He glared at her as she struggled to her feet, his glare so hot that it physically scorched her.

"Stop it!" She squealed.

"Stay out of my head, familiar." He warned her tersely. "Or so help me, I'll give you a brain aneurysm."

"I can't help it if I can read your mind at will. That goes to show that I am your true mate."

He covered the distance between them and placed both palms against the wall on either side of her, imprisoning her. She could feel his warm breath against her skin, giving her mixed feelings of fear and lust. She wanted to reach out and touch him, to mould herself to his strong body, his clean musky scent intoxicating her. She wanted him, here and now.

He cursed softly when he saw the desire in her eyes and read her thoughts.

"You make me sick," he growled out. "Why are you so desperate to be mated with me? An Enforcer? Is it because you are fast approaching menopause or are you there already?" he added nastily.


"Your biological clock is ticking really fast. You're what? 37, 38? My, you are an old maid aren't you? You are a few years away from the dreaded forty years. In a few years' time you will be an old product covered with dust on a shelf. You will lose your appeal and men will only have sex with you if you pay them for it."

Her hand moved quickly before she could think to strike him hard on the face.

"I'm thirty three,' she snapped.

Stefan didn't so much as flinch.

"Whatever! The truth does hurt, doesn't it? You will give yourself freely to me because you think that it would make me sweet in you? That I would be compelled to claim you as my mate?"

STEFAN (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now