Part 25

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Chapter 25

Lorena woke up with a start. She felt a lot better than she had felt earlier. She rubbed at her eyes and looked around her. She had been unconscious for days and had regained consciousness three days earlier. She was in what looked like a hospital room.

Although she had never been inside a real hospital, it reminded her of a room in the mini clinic in Sergei's hideout. At thirty three, Lorena had never left Sergei's hideout. Not even once. She wasn't exposed. She was home trained. Her teachers came to the hideout so she wouldn't have a reason to leave.

Everything she knew was through her teachers and the books she read, as well as the television programmes she saw. Her father had told her that he had done it for her own good. He had done it to protect her from the evil world. But she was certain he had done it to keep other men away from her. He didn't want to give her the opportunity to meet new people. Mainly men. He had wanted her to himself.

She carefully sat up on the bed and looked around her. She felt a little dizzy but generally not different. The last thing she remembered was Stefan taken her blood. He hadn't taken a lot of it but he hadn't converted her or she would have felt very different. She carefully slid out of the bed and headed for the door.

Her eyes were weak and ached. She adjusted her hospital gown, noting the plaster on her right breast where he had bitten her. As her fingers wrapped about the door, the door was forced open and she cried out as it hit her shoulder.

Two mean looking men came into the room, offering no apologies for the little accident. She didn't have to know them to recognize them as Enforcers. Stefan was the only Enforcer she had met but these men were without a doubt, Enforcers.

She yelped as one of the men grabbed her, tossing her over his shoulder, fireman style. She beat at his back but it felt as though she was beating her fist against a stone wall. She bit at his back but he didn't so much as wince as he carried her down the long corridors. She screamed for help but no one lifted a hand to help her.

Once outside the building, the man moved with preternatural speed and Lorena felt like she was going to throw up. She clutched at him, her eyes tightly shut. He slowed down once he was through massive double doors and he took the staircase three at a time. A feat accomplished by his intimidating height.

Lorena only opened her eyes when he came to a halt and lowered her to her feet. She became aware that they were not alone and blushed. Her gown had bunched up to her waist as the Enforcer carried her, revealing her panties. But none of the occupants of the room gave a damn about her appearance.

She would have fled out of the room if the door hadn't slammed in her face. She yelped and began to struggle with the door. Her heart was beating really fast. She felt as though she was locked in a tiny box. She was sweating profusely despite the cold.

She couldn't understand what was happening to her but she knew that she had to get away from there. She yelped when she was suddenly face to face with a broad chest covered in black silk. Her palm went up to her mouth and she slid to the ground in a faint.


When she came to, she met five pairs of eyes. She was about to shut her eyes once more, when a harsh voice growled.

"Oh no, you don't."

Lorena was roughly jerked to her feet. She only knew fear as she looked into silver violet eyes so much like Stefan's. But this was not Stefan. It had to be his twin brother Nicolae. And he looked as though he would love nothing more than to throttle her. She had a very bad feeling about where she was. She didn't have to look at the others in order to know that she was with Stefan's family.

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