Clearing her throat then, Chloe nodded towards the elevator, and that alone was enough to push Izzy up from her seat. "We've got a new suspect, Doug Kennedy. We're heading over to his house right now to bring him in", the blonde got her all caught up, and although the request to join wasn't spoken out loud, Izzy figured it was in the context, and she briefly pushed the tablet over to Dan and grabbed her coat from the back of the chair. With her badge and gun attached at her hip, the deputy was striding after Chloe who took the lead, but only when Isadora spotted Lucifer vigorously poking the buttons of the elevator, she ended up halting with a surprised frown.

"You're letting Lucifer come too?", the woman couldn't hide the amazement in her voice — admittedly, now that she knew what had gotten under Lucifer's skin, she understood where his impulsive actions were coming from. Even with therapy, he hardly seemed the type to take the rational route when things went awry, but even if she was willing to look past his immature moves, Izzy hadn't expected Chloe to do the same so quickly. She didn't complain, though, if anything, everyone knew that the two of them worked better as partners than apart.

With a chuckle, Chloe shot Izzy a teasing glance before meeting Lucifer at the elevator, just as the doors finally parted. "Well, if nothing else, we can use him as a human shield", the detective shrugged, and as the two of them cackled together, Lucifer could only inspect them in confusion.

Well, perhaps not a human shield, but walking away unscathed was not what the day had planned for Lucifer.

Izzy hadn't fully grasped the longing in her heart to actually do some police work again, not until the three of them exited the car and prepared for the worst — Lucifer was unbothered by the potential of danger, but Chloe and Izzy held out their guns in case Doug was to get a surprise attack on them. No doubt he knew that his time was running out, and if he were to truly be guilty, then they had to expect a fight to wait for them in the apartment. And yet, the thrill didn't scare Izzy, even if there was that edge of anxiety, she was just excited to be back on duty and assist on cases. She had felt so useless lately, but at last, she was given the opportunity to take down another bad guy and help the deceased's loved ones locate some shred of peace.

"Doug Kennedy, LAPD", Chloe announced into the apartment as the trio bravely stepped in, and while Lucifer followed the blonde with a comment of how typical it was of young people to leave their doors unlocked, Izzy headed into the other direction. The dimly lit apartment left much to her imagination, but the silence surrounding them prepared for the disappointment of not finding Doug there — however, with a shrill ringing of a phone, Izzy jumped and quietly cursed Lucifer and his antics.

Whereas Lucifer settled into the living room with his wife on the other side of the line, and Chloe sneaked into the kitchen, Izzy swallowed thickly and attempted to keep her cool while approaching the bathroom. The narrow hallway didn't welcome her in, though — just as the woman spotted the suspect in hiding and tried to open her mouth to call out his name, Doug jumped up from behind the corner and knocked the deputy into the wall, earning a huff from her as she went tumbling down. Still, the gun remained in her grasp, and even if the cap resting on her red waves fell to the floor, she didn't waste time in hopping back up and scrambling towards Lucifer, who unexpectedly ended with a wire around his neck, Doug seconds away from slicing his neck open.

And, for a second, Izzy found solace in the concept of his immortality, only to remember the ever-so confusing logic of Chloe's presence, which undoubtedly rendered him very killable, very threatened by the murderer who was willing to shed more blood for the sake of his freedom.

"Drop the wire, Doug", Izzy failed to hide the shaking in her voice, but in her defense, hearing Lucifer choke and scramble for air was welcoming a nervous hint to her otherwise determined stance, weapon seated firmly in her hands as she neared the man from behind. With a perfect timing, Chloe appeared from the other room, and together, they managed to trap the panicking man — clearly, Doug was only making things worse for himself, but he no longer seemed like he wanted another death on his hands. He simply feared the consequences of his actions, and rightfully so, but that meant there was room for talking him out of whatever he was planning to do with the wire strangling Lucifer.

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