Epilogue - Under The Sun

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 “Hey! Haven't seen you two in a while!” Joe grinned.

“Hi Joe!” I smiled back. We were out in the hotel's private beach. We'd only woken up at eleven, but the sun was still blazing, and the sand was burning. “Where've you guys been? I kinda missed ya round here!”

“We... We had a bit of an escapade.” I shrugged.

“But it's all right. We're here to relax now.” Nelly smiled.

“Glad to hear it!” The bartender nodded. “So, what can I get ya?”

“Water please...” The two of us asked at the same time. “Aha haha!”

“Two waters comin' up!”

Joe turned to a massive cooler machine. I spun on the stool and looked out to the sea. There were families swimming out there without a care in the world. Kids with armbands, and stressed out parents on lilos. Couples under umbrellas and children building sandcastles. For the first time, it felt like we were in a normal place. “Here ya go!”

There was the sound of glass touching wood and I turned back to see two glasses of water. “Thanks Joe!”

“My pleasure! And hey! I noticed you finally took your jacket off without me having to tell ya!” He laughed in response.

“Well, yeah... I...”

Nelly laughed and I scratched my head. “And you look pretty today.” Joe nodded at her.

“Oh... Thank you...”

It may have been the heat, but I swear I saw the man behind the wood counter wink at me... “Have a nice day then, guys!”

Walking on the sand was like walking on hot coals. Alexis had made us dress appropriately. And for me, that meant no shoes and no jacket. Instead, I was barefoot and wearing shorts. Though I couldn't really complain. At least the only bad thing was the sand. I was even half tempted to pour the water out and create a cooler path. “Ah... Don't you feel the heat?” I asked Nelly.

“I-I do... I'm just trying to ignore it...”

She was barefoot too. In fact, we were dressed the same way – just in different colours. Finally, we reached our sun loungers. The cold surface underneath the shade was like Heaven. I set on the edge of my chair and looked out to the sand in front of us. Bonnie was digging a massive hole. She popped her head out, looked around and sniggered, before climbing out and brushing herself off. “Oh Niiiiick!” She called. The Ranger was standing a few feet away from the hole, completely oblivious.

“Yeah?” He looked up.

“Could you come here and help me a second?” Bonnie said convincingly.

“All right...”

Nick walked towards her and sighed. Three seconds later, he fell down the pit that my sister had dug. She laughed at him hysterically, rolling on the floor uncontrollably. Nelly hid her laugh with her hand – not that she needed to. It was hilarious to watch! “Oi, Xene!” Holly yelled. Xene was running out of the water, his hair soaked.

“N-no! I don't wanna hold my breath underwater!” He squealed.

“Xene has a phobia?” Nelly blinked.

“Maybe he can only dive with oxygen tanks.” I shrugged. Xene tripped and fell face-first into a sandcastle.

“Hey!” Molly shouted. “I spent ages on that!”

“I-I'm sorry!”

She picked up her spade and went to smack him on the head. Anthony stepped in front of him to talk, but instead he got a piece of plastic to the face. “Ah, you little-!” He chased her into the water.

“Pfft.” I held it in.

“Aren't you two going to swim?” Darragh asked. He'd just stopped in front of us.


“Even after you're dressed for it?”

“No thanks.” Nelly shook her head. He turned to me.

“How about you, Toby?”

“Ah, n-no, no.” I waved my hands.

“Suit yourselves.”

Darragh went back into the water and met up with Alexis. “I'm glad they don't know...”

“Hey guys!” Owen called. “I just got word, Skyra and Ayshe are coming here the day after the day after tomorrow!” He said, scratching his head as if what he'd said made no sense.

“That's great!” We smiled.

“But what about Sam and everyone?”

“I dunno yet. They said they'd call later.”

And with that, Owen turned round, almost falling into the same trap as Nick. “Dammit...” Bonnie murmured as he stepped round the hole.

"You won't get me that easily!" He laughed.

"You think?"


Owen disappeared in a puff of sand. "HAHA!" Bonnie pointed. "I dug more than one, stupid!"

"Ack!" Owen spat up the dirt. 

“It's nice. Having a holiday, I mean.” Nelly sighed.

“Yeah. We can finally relax...”

“Though, everyone else doesn't seem to want to.” She laughed.

“That's true.” I agreed, laughing as Nick fell into the hole again. “Ah well...”

I went to take my drink off the table in-between us. It seemed Nelly had the same idea. We touched each other's hand and froze. “Oh, s-sorry...” I swallowed.

“Don't be...”

We both laughed awkwardly and took our glasses. I felt the cold liquid trickle down my throat. But anyway, she was right. This holiday was nice. It was fun, actually, being under the sun. I leant back in the lounger and looked over the beach.

“It's so... Amazing...” Nelly smiled.

And so, our first official holiday began. And we could all agree that after the downfall of Genesis, we all needed a bit of relaxation.  

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