Chapter 3 - Ranger's Duty

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Some say he was the wrong man to mess with.

Those people were right.

Darragh was the kind of man to stick to grudges, holding them against the other person until he was one hundred percent satisfied. This was what fuelled his drive. Revenge. It seemed to be the only thing in his life that mattered any more. But underneath the man of stone – the man who would slay millions if given half the chance – was a tragic tale of sorrow and turmoil. Darragh was once an extraordinary, shy, but determined boy. He was a Pokemon Trainer, travelling the regions in search of badges and new Pokemon. It was on his journeys that he met a girl, a girl whom was his perfect match in every way. The two went on adventures together, protected each other, loved each other... They grew up to be married, conceiving a beautiful baby girl of perfect descent. For three years, Darragh and his wife lived in bliss, teaching their daughter the ways of life and enjoying every moment of it. Then disaster struck in the form of Team Rocket, and his whole life was thrown into another dimension. Darragh had run into trouble with the organisation after he had nearly shut them down forever. Giovanni had his grunts chase him down, where he was told that his family would pay the price. Screaming wildly, Darragh fled to his wife and daughter, ordering them to run away as far as they could. It would be the last time he saw them...

Morning broke on another sunny day. My eyes shot open as sunlight poured onto my bed. “Morning sleepy head.” Nelly smiled. She had drawn back the curtains, completely dressed ready for the day ahead. Yesterday had been laid back, bar the danger at Vien Forest and the Peril Cliffs. The private beach was the perfect place to relax, ice-topped drinks and shade under umbrellas. Now it was time to act. Time to start our search off properly. “Morning.” I yawned. In ten minutes, we were all stood in the morning air. Nick was to meet us here any minute now. “So, where are we going today?” Bonnie asked.

“As many places as possible.” I replied.

“Good to see you're taking this seriously.” My Sister winked. Just then, a man staggered past with a wine bottle in his hand. He was young and swaying on his feet, shouting gibberish at another man across the street. “Aaaah-Ay! Joh-hic-Johnny! I've a bone to p-hic with youuu...” He wagged his finger.

“Ayeah? Wull I ffffink y-hic can go drown in the Puel... In the Puel S-hic-Sea!” The other man retaliated. They were both obviously drunk out of their minds. But who drinks this early...? “Why I autta... C'mere y-hic son of a Jynx! I'll fling you over the bliddy bri-hic-bridge!”

“Really Ashley? I'd like to see ya try ya sa-hic-sack a' Scyther dung!”

The one called Ashley stumbled forward and hit the ground, his bottle smashing everywhere. “Haha! Ya stupid f-hic!” Johnny laughed. We looked on as Ashley picked himself up and crossed the road angrily. The two men began to roll around in the grass, shouting abuse at each other. “What...” Nelly blinked.

“Stupid drunks. Somebody's going to get hurt.” Alexis rolled her eyes. Holly stepped forward and bent down to the pavement.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I think that guy dropped something...” She muttered, picking up a bronze key shaped like a castle.

“We should probably give it back.” I sighed. But the two men were already rolling down a set of public stairs, still swearing and clawing. “I'm sure he won't miss it.” Holly shrugged, pocketing the item. There was the sound of flapping wings as Nick arrived on his Charizard. “Sorry I'm late!” He smiled. “Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere!” Bonnie yelled up at him.

“Right! If you follow me, I'll take you around Almia! Just point to where you want to go!”

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