Chapter 14 - Aqua Block

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There were no strategies. No carefully thought out plans. At the end of the day, Holly summarised the situation in the best possible way with only a single word:


The first row of Aqua members were paralysed with confusion. Thirteen children had just leapt out of the shadows, Pokemon by their sides. In the dark of the stormy night, their faces were blacked out, only their silhouettes dashing forward. There was yet another crack of thunder and lightning, and one of the faces was visible for a split second. The man at the front saw her first. Brown hair and eyes that could captivate with a single glance. But there was determination in her expression. A flare in her eyes. The man barely had time to cover his face before a Vulpix lashed out at him. But Aqua weren't worried. Not in the slightest. They all had Pokemon. This would be a breeze like no other. The ten members on the outside all threw forward seven PokeBalls each. The fight had finally begun.

Nick was astonished to see them, out here in the park. Holly and the others! He wanted to shout at them, to tell them to get back. But it was useless. He knew already that their minds would be set on invading the tower. Him and his Rangers just needed to help them!

There was a wave of pure power. Aqua had shown their hand. A mass of Sharpedo and Carvanha. Poochyena, Zigzagoon and Mightyena. “Get back!” Gavin yelled. “I've got this one!”

He pulled out all six of his PokeBalls and flung them into the air. “Servine, Leafeon, Simisage, Meganium, Sceptile, Shaymin! All of you, attack!” 

“Roserade, you too!” Sarah commanded. The Aqua members roared several commands and jets of rushing water gushed forward at every angle. “Sunny Day!” Sarah smirked. Her Roserade took centre stage and danced to the sky. One single surge of sunlight burst down from the black clouds. Gavin's Pokemon leapt forward into the light of life and roared. “Solar Beam!” He called. All of the Pokemon exploded with raw energy, instantly obliterating the jets of water that were incoming. All of the water types were knocked out. And then it was time for the physical surge. The other Pokemon pounded forward, fangs flared and eyes narrowed. Holly raised her arm into the air and pointed to the sky. “Let's go!”

Riolu nodded and launched himself into the air. Gavin saw the movement and gestured with a flick of his hand. It was safe to run. The rest of the group could move on. He and Holly had this all sorted. Nelly gave a thumbs up and ran forward, dodging past several Team Aqua grunts that tried to grab her. Alexis and co followed, knocking back any stray enemies that tried to block them. 

“You guys!” Nick called over his shoulder. “Follow them in! I'll stay back and defeat these grunts!”

“Understood!” Anthony charged forward. Owen agreed and dashed forward with him. 

“Take care!” Molly gave him a last glance before following the other two towards Altru Tower. 

“Charizard...” Nick looked to his partner at his side. He clenched his fist and the ring on his finger began to glow. “Let's do this buddy!”

Charizard roared and flew into the air. He caught Riolu on his back. “Hey, Nick!” Holly smiled. 

“You two ready for this?”

“Any time!” Gavin smirked. “Sceptile, you too!”

The Mightyena and others were closing in fast, growling and circling their enemy. Sceptile leapt into the air, but the leader of the pack was expecting it. It jumped up after Gavin's Pokemon, its teeth threatening to rip it apart. Gavin clicked his fingers and Servine snapped into action. The Grass Snake Pokemon whipped round and sent a Vine Whip into the sky. It caught the Mightyena centimetres away from Sceptile's leg and slammed it down to the ground. Now Charizard, Riolu and Sceptile were in the air, the perfect vantage point to pick off the prey. “Flamethrower!” Nick ordered.

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