Chapter 1 - Ticket To Disaster

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  • Dedicated to Nintendo Lounge

Sunlight flooded in through the curtains, splashing the room with a blue light. My eyes opened and I yawned loudly. It was a fairly nice day outside, a few clouds here and there. As I stared down into the pretty little garden below, I thought of everything that had happened recently. Two months had passed since our final encounter with Team Rocket, and since then, things had been peaceful. Nelly, Holly, Bonnie and I had spent the time roaming the vast land of Kanto, searching in every crevice of the region for my Mother. So far, we'd found nothing, but today was special. Every one of my senses told me so. There was a yawn from behind as Nelly sat up in her bed. “Morning.” I smiled.

“Oh, Toby! You're up early!” She stretched.

“I am?”

“It's six in the morning!”

“Oh, sorry, I couldn't get back to sleep.”

She climbed out of her bed and pushed the covers back into place. Nelly walked up to me and smiled. The sun flashed onto her face, illuminating her brown strands of flowing hair. “Where are we off to today?” She asked.

“I don't know... It seems we've been everywhere.”

“Don't worry. We'll find her!” She reassured, laying her hand on my shoulder.

“I know.” I grinned back. “It's just a matter of time.”

“Well, I'd better go wake Mum up.”

“Wake her up...?”

“Yeah. Rushing water always gets her out of bed.” Nelly smiled, walking towards the door. Minutes later, the shower started up and the sound of water echoed throughout the house. Just as Nelly predicted, there was creaking wood as her Mother woke up.

We were now all dressed and sat in Alexis' living room. The television was on but nobody was really paying attention to it. My Sister – Bonnie – was sat with her legs crossed, staring out the window into the sky. Holly was the only one watching the TV as news coverage from across the world flashed up on-screen. Nelly was in a deep conversation with her Mother and I was sat in an armchair, flicking over a newspaper. The stories weren't exactly gripping. Nothing of interest to me, anyway. “What!?” Holly exclaimed, nearly kicking a glass table over.

“What's wrong?” Bonnie asked.

“Quick! On the TV! Look!”

“Eye witnesses saw this woman running away from a group of red-clad men early yesterday morning.” The reporter told us. All eyes were glued to the screen now. “We urge any more witnesses to come forward as we fear for the safety of this citizen.”

“There, stop!” Holly pointed at the screen. Alexis grabbed her TV remote and paused the news coverage. A picture of the woman that the reporter had been talking about was frozen in front of our faces. I knew on an impulse who she was. “Mum...” I swallowed.

“That's your Mum!?” Nelly exclaimed.

“Yeah! It has to be!” Bonnie blurted. I leapt out of the chair and smiled at the screen.

“I knew it! She's still alive!”

“Where was this news reported?” Nelly asked. Her Mother scanned the screen for an answer.

“Aha!” She said after a while. “AlmiaDirect! This came from Almia!”

“Almia... That's the tail end of Sinnoh, right?” Holly questioned.

“Right! We have to go there! Mum looks like she's in trouble!” I said.

“Mum! Do they have a way to get from Kanto to Almia?” Nelly asked.

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