Chapter 16 - Elite VS Genesis

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 The door opened to a small, thin corridor. At the end of it was a service elevator. Everyone nodded and started down the hall. It was dark and damp, the ceiling covered in cobwebs. There was even a tiny Spinarak pacing up and down a wall. Trixie growled at it as they walked past. Bizarrely, the lift required a key too. Nelly slotted it into the slot and turned. The doors slid open, barely giving her enough time to take the key out again. Everyone piled into the lift and she pocketed the key for later. “Oh, look.” Bonnie sniggered. “6, 5, 4, 3, 2... Girlfriend!”

“Oh, shut up!” Nelly and Sarah yelled.

“Fine, fine.” She tried to look innocent. Nelly pressed '6' and the lift moved upwards. It seemed that with each floor, the lift journey took longer. There were no windows, so they could only guess how high up they were. 

The doors opened. Everyone stepped out into a triangular room. The lift for this floor was at the top point of the triangle. But the room was empty. “Not again...” Anthony looked around.

“Don't move...” Sheldon warned.

“What is it?”

“This place is trapped...”

Sheldon reached into his jacket and pulled out Geyser's handgun. Without waiting for another word to be spoken, he fired a bullet in the direction of the lift. When it was just inches from the door, a red light flashed. Everyone covered their eyes as it washed over the whole room. The bullet had disintegrated. “Lasers...” Skyra gasped.

“Sheldon, I think we can handle this.” Ayshe winked.

“Hm? Ah... Yes, I think we can!” He smirked.

“Huh? How?” Nick asked.

“Just watch.”

“Starmie, go!”


Sheldon and Ayshe sent out their Pokemon with smirks on their faces. Starmie and Abraxas the Dusknoir appeared and scanned the area. “Abraxas, I need you to stop anything that comes towards us, ok?”

Dusknoir nodded.

“Starmie, you do the same.” Sheldon instructed. The Pokemon went in front of everyone, prepared to disable any life-threatening booby-traps. “Is this ok?” Gavin asked. “What if they get hurt?”

“It's all right.” Nelly reassured. “Those two are strong.”

“Abraxas, start moving and stop anything that comes with Psychic!” Ayshe commanded.

“Starmie, use Psychic too!”

With Ayshe, Sheldon and their Pokemon leading the pack, everyone shuffled forward carefully. Almost immediately, the attack began. Ten arrows were fired from somewhere along the walls on each side. Abraxas swivelled to face the right wall and slashed with its arm. A pink wave of energy was dispelled from its palm and caught every arrow. Starmie's jewel glowed and the arrows on its side crashed to the ground. “Arceus...” Sarah blinked.

“Good work, Starmie! Keep it up!” Sheldon smiled.

“You too, Abraxas!” Ayshe praised. The same arrow trick was played four more times. Then, they reached the lift. “Now we have to stop the lasers...”

“We've got this one.” Sheldon smiled. He examined the walls and spotted the crevices where the lasers would come from. “Since the room's a triangle, only one of us at a time will be able to make it into the lift. Starmie should be able to hold off the lasers with Light Screen.”

“What if it can't?” Gavin asked.

“Then we're dead.”

“That's a pleasant thought...”

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