Chapter 2 - Data Gathering

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The fire was horrendous. There were screams coming from all directions as fire engines pulled up to fight with the flames. It seemed that an entire business complex had just miraculously exploded out of the blue. “Whoa!” Holly remarked. The firemen were winning the battle, but it was a fierce sight to see. People fled from the building and were doused in foam and water. “How the heck did that explode!?” Bonnie asked.

“Most likely a bomb.” Alexis figured.

“A bomb? Why would somebody want to blow up a business like this?” I wondered.

“This place is called DizzCorp... They make super-advanced electronics here!” Nelly explained. “Or rather, made electronics here...”

“An electronics building? Maybe a machine backfired?” I suggested.

“No, DizzCorp are known worldwide for their craftsmanship and track record.” Alexis defended. “Not a single accident has happened in any of their departments ever since the building was constructed. Besides, I doubt a machine would cause an explosion as big as this...”

I scratched my head and stared at the scene. The fire was dying and nearly everybody in the building had been evacuated. “I suppose we can't really do anything here...” Nelly sighed. I nodded and turned to start walking away. There was a figure standing by a corner, peeking past a wall. The moment he spotted us, he fled around the bend. “Did you see that?” I asked.

“See what?” Holly shrugged.

“There was a person...” I muttered and ran for the corner. Everyone followed as I turned down the side of town. The figure dived under an archway out of sight. We crept forward slowly, hoping to catch him by surprise. But we were the ones caught off guard.

There was a yelp and a crash behind me. I turned to see Alexis tackled to the ground by a man in red uniform. “What!?” I cried. Another man appeared from nowhere, pinning Bonnie against the wall. “Move!” I yelled, grabbing Holly and Nelly's wrists. Sure enough, two more men leapt from the shadows, missing their targets by a millimetre each. “Who are you!?” Holly yelled at them. They said nothing, walking closer without a single trace of an expression on their faces. “Stay back...” I growled. We all took a step backwards and watched the men closely. Alexis and Bonnie had been knocked out, and were now slumped over the mysterious men's shoulders. Suddenly, the attackers in front of us smirked. “What's so funny!?” Holly shouted at them.

“Don't move.” Came a voice from behind. Before I could turn to look, I felt cold metal against the back of my neck. “Put your hands in the air and surrender.”

“And if I don't?” I tried to rally. The man behind me chuckled.

“Toby!” Nelly yelped. I turned around to find her being held against the wall with a gun to her head. “Surrender. Before you regret not doing so.” The figure ordered. I recognized him. He was the man who we had been chasing just moments ago! He'd led us into a trap! “Ugh... Fine.” I muttered, putting my hands in the air.


There was a click and a flash of movement before I crumpled to the ground.

I woke up with a headache and the taste of dirt in my mouth. “Ow...” I winced as I sat up straight.

“Finally! I thought you'd never get up!” Bonnie moaned. We were locked in some type of prison cell. The walls were made of stone and compacted earth and the floor was solid rock. “We're underground, genius.” My Sister sighed.

“Where are the others?”

“Probably in a different cell.” She shrugged. I rubbed my head and found a small cut. It was where the man had hit me round the head. Come to think of it, those attackers did look familiar from somewhere. But I just couldn't piece it together. My bag was by my side, seemingly untouched. Everything was in place – nothing had been removed. “We need to get out of here.” I said. “Something's wrong.”

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