Chapter 17 - Nick And The Angel

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 Morrice was off as fast as he could go. Out the door and into the dead of night. The third light had turned on. Nick and the others were in danger. “Stay calm...” Morrice sighed, reaching into his pocket. The PokeBall Nick had given him lay in his palm, shut until it was needed. Morrice looked over the trees and past buildings to glance at the tip of Altru Tower. Lightning was surging from the sky, licking at the giant metal structure. He had a horrid thought. What it the tower was struck by lightning? Everyone would surely perish. Limping on his crutches, Morrice staggered into a small field. According to Nick, this field would be just wide enough to take what was in the PokeBall. Morrice cleared his mind and let the wind blow through his hair briefly. Then he swallowed and gripped the ball with more force. “I have to help Nick... So let's go!” He threw the PokeBall into the air and a bolt of lightning ripped through the air.

“Don't forget what I told you...” Jayden sighed to himself. The lights were all lit. Unbeknownst to Nick, Jayden had linked their communicators before the mission. He and Morrice had both got the signal. Although Jayden could do everything to help, he could do nothing but stay in hospital. “I might as well draw something...” He shrugged. Drawing was a loved hobby of his, but since he had joined with the Rangers, Jayden hadn't had any time to draw at all. He laid a blank sheet of paper on the desk and picked up a pencil from his bedside. Trying to forget about the terror outside, he began to sketch.

“Snowflake!” Alexis yelped.

“Gah...” Xene clenched his fists, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face. Tobi brought the Ryuusei Blade down with incredible force that would normally have killed instantly. Nelly held Janus' blade and went for a blocking strike. The two swords clashed, and although Tobi's was thicker and more powerful, Nelly's was swifter and sharper. Tobi stepped back and examined the girl in front of him. “Hmph. For a first-class-”

“Don't!” I growled.

“All right... For a worm, you really are persistent!”

He brought his blade round and crashed it into Nelly's hilt, millimetres above her fingers. “I don't want to hurt you...” Nelly mumbled, pushing Tobi away. “I mean, I want to hurt you. But to hurt you would hurt him...”

“It seems like I'll win then!” Tobi put his whole weight onto the sword.

“Stop it!” I yelled. He pushed her back a fair distance. Nelly was barely able to counter the massive force on her end. Xene had had enough. He leapt from his position and onto the battlefield. He hooked his foot around Tobi's left leg and slammed him to the ground. Xene then jumped on top of him, wrestling Tobi off of his sword. “X-Xene?” Nelly gasped.

“Nelly, get back!” Xene grunted, trying to pin down Tobi's arm.

“Traitor!” Darragh spat. “I knew you weren't completely ours!”

“Commander!” Tobi growled, still in shock. “To think. I was beginning to like you!”

He lashed upwards with his knee, crashing it into Xene's stomach. The Commander lurched backwards and regained his senses just in time to throw himself onto his backside as Tobi's sword went for his head. Nelly jumped in and pointed her blade down at Tobi's chest. “D-don't make me...”

“You think you can kill me? Pah.” Tobi wasn't phased by the sharp metal in front of him. “It's either you kill me, or I kill the Commander. Bearing in mind that if you kill me, he's gone too.” Tobi smirked.

“Nelly! I'll fight him! Just stay safe!” Xene groaned, picking himself up.


“Die!” Tobi roared. Still on the ground, he thrust the Ryuusei Blade upwards and aimed for Nelly's chest. Xene grabbed her and dived to the ground. “Th-thank you...” Nelly rasped.

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