Chapter 6 - Toby VS Tobi

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“All right. You know what to do?”


“Good. Do not engage him directly. We only want to aggravate him for the chase.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Make sure there's no fuss about it either. If anyone other than the boy tries to follow, hold them back. Make sure not to hurt her though. Taunt him.”

“Yes.” Gilham nodded and turned. “You could at least call them by their names...” She whispered to herself as she shut the door.

“Finally, I can set this into motion.” Darragh smiled to himself. He pushed a button on his desk and spoke into a small microphone. “Dvalin. The weapon is ready, I presume?”

In the other end of the compound, Dvalin brought his arm to his face and talked into his radio. “Yes. The last of it is being removed now.”

“Oh yes... This is going to be a good day.”

“I wonder how the Rangers are...” Nelly spoke.

“I hope Morrice is ok.” Holly sighed.

“They'll all be fine... I wonder what they found out about Genesis, though?” Bonnie pondered. We were standing outside the Ranger Depot, waiting for news. Alexis had been informed of what had happened and she simply frowned. “I-it's ok though!” Nelly had defended. “He hit him round the head with a chair!”

“It's a miracle they didn't follow us.” I said.

“Oh... I wouldn't say that.” A voice rang out over the air. We all looked up to see Valentina standing on the depot roof.

“Valentina! What do you want?” I asked, feeling cautious now that she was our enemy again.

“I want many things...” She stared down at us. “Money... Justice... Work... But today, I want...”

She scanned our group and smiled. “Her.” She pointed. In seconds, she leapt from the roof and snatched Nelly.

“H-hey!” I shouted.

“What the...?! Let my daughter go!” Alexis cried. Valentina smirked and pulled out a shuriken.

“Now, I'll be taking her. If you want her back, I suggest you come and get her. Alone.” She looked at me.

“H-help...!” Nelly rasped. Then Valentina turned, dashing along the road with her prisoner dragged behind.

“You get back here!” I roared, following them. Holly also tried to chase, but Valentina moved like the wind and sent the metal blade smashing into the pavement by her feet. It was clear that she wanted only me to follow. But why...?

“I'll save her! You guys send for help!” I pointed at the depot before skidding around a corner.

“I swear we just woke up.” Bonnie shook her head.

I followed Valentina all the way back into the Genesis compound, and I knew something was wrong. There were guards everywhere, but none of them even cared that I'd just ran in uninvited. Valentina stopped, turned and grinned. Then she jumped out of sight. “What? Hey! Come back out!” I yelled. Still the guards didn't move. “Ugh... Where are you...?”

“Over there.”

A guard had spoken and pointed in the direction of a small building. “Uh... Thank you...?”

I walked up to the building and scanned it cautiously. There was a small bridge next to it, crossing a tiny river surrounded by grass. How did something like this grow here? On the other side was a single hut, very well hidden. There were three people stood on the far end. Nelly, Valentina... And a man. He was dressed smartly and had a calm smile on his face. “Greetings, Toby.” He grinned.

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