Hello and introduction

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Hey it's @TrulyAFangirl or Ivy and I'm a huge fan of the MCU and comics, I, of course, love the xmen and am a huge fan of Warren Worthington iii aka angel or archangel.

This story is based on the apocalypse Warren and timeline. I'm new to wattpad and writing x reader but I noticed there are not many Warren Worthington iii x reader stories on wattpad so I had one of those fanfic x reader daydreams/vision where it like a story and I decided maybe it can be a story like why not give it a try.

Also I apologise for my most likely terrible grammar but of course this is for fun and also disclaimer I do not own any of these characters they belong to xmen etc.

Without further ado let's begin... also sorry but my updates probably will be quite slow compared to my other x reader stories that I'm working on :)


(An Angel's Breath) Warren Worthington iii x reader Where stories live. Discover now