[one] apt 832

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      "Georgia, this is the most humiliating thing I have ever had to do." I groaned angrily into the phone.
"Yea well tough shit." she snorted back. 
"No ones answering, I'm just gonna leave." The door flung open, halting my escape.
"Hey Michael, Mikey, Mike. How's it hanging?" I asked, cringing internally at myself.
"Why the fuck are you here Dakota?" He asked, arms crossed over his bare chest and a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Hey there bud, I needed a favor." I smiled, leaning against the door frame.

"How'd you find out where I live?" He questioned, moving aside to let me in the door.
"Calum told me. I tried calling you but your number is disconnected. He wasn't gonna give it to me so I told him I'd sleep with him and he gave me it."  I explained as I followed him into the kitchen.
"Yea I got a new number. You slept with Calum?" He asked, grabbing two beers from the fridge and turning back to me with disgust plastered across his face.
"No, I would never. I just needed the address." I smiled, taking a sip of the beer he handed me.
"Don't do that to him. He's been wanting to sleep with you since you two went on that date. He still talks about it to this day." He laughed. "We haven't talked in two years, what could you need from me." He asked, growing serious as he leaned against the table.

"I kinda need somewhere to stay." I watched as he opened his mouth, beginning to protest before I stopped him. "Listen, you're the only person I know that lives near me. Everyone else that I know, lives in dorms and most of them left for summer break. I just need somewhere to stay for like a month or two. If I had somewhere else to go, I wouldn't have came here." I explained causing him to sit back in his chair.
"What about your boyfriend?" He asked

"Yea, you see that's the reason I have no where to go. I came home to him in bed with one of the freshman I tutor and you can probably tell that it didn't end well." I sighed.
"Freshman like high school freshman or?" I spit my beer out and stared at him, wiping my mouth with my sleeve.
"College freshman, Jesus Michael he likes em young but not statutory young." I exclaimed, making him laugh and throw his hands up in defense.
"What makes you think I'll let you stay here?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"We're friends, we grew up next door to each other, we were intimate at one point. You sorta told me that you loved me at an Applebee's." He rolled his eyes at me.
"People change Dakota." He snickered causing me to roll my eyes this time.
"Come on Dickhead, just let me stay here for a few days." I groaned, staring at him. He tsked me and shook his head.
"Calling me names isn't going to get you what you want Dakota. But since I'm such a great and gracious person, I will let you stay." He stood up, walking to the back room, motioning for me to follow him.

"I'll let you stay for a month, no longer. Also, you're gonna have to sleep on the couch." He instructed as he carried a pile of blankets and pillows out, sitting it on the couch.
"Really, the couch Michael?" I groaned.
"Hey I don't see why you're complaining. It's somewhere to stay." He scolded, resting his hand on his hip.
"Does it at least roll out into a bed?" I asked, excepting defeat.
"Actually it does not but it's pretty comfortable." He beamed, making me sigh and sit down. "Also there's a few rules."
"Great" I said sarcastically.

"You have to pitch in on food. I'm not gonna charge you rent because you wont be here that long, but anything special you want to eat, if its not bought for the both of us, mark it and I wont touch it. Anything unmarked is fair game. If you need shampoo, conditioner, or body wash that's all on you. You can use the toilet paper but if you see it's running low, please by some more. Same goes for laundry detergent, I don't mind if you use mine but be mindful. Absolutely no boys. I don't want your sex juices ruining my couch because it's kinda new." He said, finishing off his list of rules. "Or girls, you were gay once weren't you?" He laughed.

"Fuck you Michael." I sassed.
"Welcome to your temporary home roomie."

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