You Reap What You Sow

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'Welcome to my humble little lair.....' I listen to Luhan say, perfecting word by word, which makes him sound exactly like me.

"Not bad for a faker." I comment and smirk.

"Thank you master." Luhan replies and bows.

"Now Luhan, in just a while, you'll pretend to be me, while I do the same. You are to act like me without flaws, understood Mr. Lu?" I ask him as he heed my orders.

"Of course master. Anything for you." Luhan bows again.

"But master." Luhan says as I face the same person I am.

"What about the girl you told us about? What will you want us to do?" Luhan asks, gesturing to his eleven friends.

"You all are to play along like I haven't charmspoken you guys at all. Understood?" I ask as they bow to me.

"Yes master." they chorused as I chuckled.

"Oh and Luhan, when she comes, she'll see me as you. And... you remember the rest I told you about earlier, don't you?" I ask as he nods.

"Yes. I'll follow the plan master, just like you said earlier." Luhan says, grabbing the ropes that I used to tie him up yesterday.

"Your majesty, are you sure about this?" Ji Soo asks as I wave my hand.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry Ji Soo. I'm sorry Ji Soo, but I have to charmspeak to you as well." I say, channeling my charmspeaking powers.

"You eleven. Sit in a circle, backs facing each other. Ji Soo, go along the plan with Luhan." I order as I watch Ji Soo's eyes change to a reddish glint as well, just like the twelve.

I join the eleven guys in the circle.

"Now Luhan, tie us up. She's almost here, so we need to get ready." I say as Luhan ties us up.

"I hope she won't be too surprised when she comes and attacks you instead of me." I roared with laughter as it resonates in the room.

'Hope you like my little surprise Park Sarang.' I think, smirking.

Sarang ~ you

It took me a while to figure out where they were. I asked the local people of they knew any abandoned or weird building near buildings.

Luckily, an ajummah and an ajusshi has told me that there was this one
abandoned building from several years ago.

And this building is still unused today because they believed that it could be haunted.

Haunted? More like a hideout for villains.

I had left from my house at 10:20, and I assume that it's been thirty minutes already, since I was searching for the secret hideout of his.

I look around the dark and empty streets- not a single soul was out here, at this time and place.

The wind blew harshly tonight, along with a light drizzle.

It's not raining in Seoul, not that I know of. But I must be close- Sehun and Suho oppa's powers must be at work.

My eyes trailed along several buildings, and I saw a red shimmery light in one of the windows.

Then I realized that the entire building was surrounded in the red shimmery air.

This is the building, this is it.

EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu