Mini-me |Colton Parayko|

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Colton would be home from a road trip in a couple hours and your heart was racing. Although you were constantly sending him updates of the baby, the gender was one thing you wanted to wait to tell him until he got home. With yours and Colton's twins, he was free the day you'd had the appointment to find out their genders. 

Colton was ecstatic to have two little girls to spoil and treat like princesses. Harper Olivia and Ryleigh Lauren were almost three and he still spoiled them to no end. You knew Colton cherished those little girls and was so proud to have them. 

He would love the new baby just the same if it was another girl but you knew how desperately he wanted a little boy. From the moment you started talking about the future, Colton told you he wanted a son. He wanted a little boy that would be just like him. He had even chosen names for a little boy, although a few you weren't very fond of. 

When the doctor announced that you were going to have a baby boy, you immediately started crying. After assuring everyone in the room that they were happy tears, you were laughed at but you couldn't wait to tell Colton. You only had to wait four days to tell him but it felt like an eternity. Every time you spoke to him it threatened to spill out and you had to catch yourself a few times before it slipped. You didn't want to ruin the surprise for when he got home. 

You were anxious for him to get home. The gift box you had put together was already sitting on the table, begging to be opened. The box was yellow and green so nothing was given away but he would know as soon as he lifted the first thing off the top.

The box was filled with blue tissue paper and little blue onesies and pants. One of the little onesies had "Daddy's little man" across the front and it had made you tear up when you saw it in the store. Covering all of the blue inside the box was a little St. Louis jersey with the back up that read "Mini Parayko". The twins had jerseys already and you wanted to continue the tradition in the cutest way possible. 

Both the girls were down for a nap when you heard the front door open. Peeking your head around the corner, you could see Colton taking off his coat and hanging it up in the closet. As quietly as you could, you started tiptoeing up behind him to try and surprise him. 

Your plan was ruined when he let out a chuckle and giggled while saying, "I hope you know I can hear you. You aren't the stealthiest when you're pregnant."

He spun around, scooping you up into his arms and pressing his lips to yours.

"Welcome home, handsome. I have a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?" He asked with a cautious voice. 

"What if I told you that the box on the counter would tell you the gender of the baby in my belly?" 

Colton's eyes widened and his eyes snapped back and forth from your stomach to the box to your eyes and back. He stood still, not saying a word or moving an inch.

"Go open the box but don't open it too fast."

He sat down at the table in front of the box. Giving you one last look, he gently lifted the lid off the box. A confused look was clear on his face as he read the back of the jersey. 

"Lift the jersey off the rest of the box, babe." 

The second he lifted the jersey off the box, the only colour visible was blue. His head snapped up to you immediately, almost asking if it was a joke. The tears in your eyes and smile on your face must've been a good enough answer for him because he leaped off the chair and wrapped his arms around you.

"We're having a boy!"

"Yes babe, we're having a little boy."

When Colton looked back at you, there were tear marks on his cheeks and his smile lit up the entire room. 

"I'm gonna have a mini-me! We're having a boy! It's a boy!"

All you could do was laugh at his excitement and join in with him. You got two little versions of yourself and now you would have a little Colton running around and causing trouble. 

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