Home |TJ Oshie|

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Something was up with TJ and you had no clue what it could be. 

He kept taking private phone calls and left the room so you couldn't hear him. He kept leaving your shared apartment and would be gone for hours at a time. Logically, you knew he would never cheat on you but you couldn't help but feel like he could be. You absolutely hated that feeling. It made you feel insecure in your relationship.

After a couple weeks of TJ's secrecy, you couldn't handle not knowing anymore and you decided to ask him what was going on. You knew that it didn't have anything to do with hockey considering it was the off-season. You worked up the courage to confront him after one of his secret meetings. He walked through the door nonchalantly, which irritated you to no end. Waiting for him to settle before approaching him, you watched as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and made himself comfortable on the couch.

As calmly as you could, you made your way to where he was sitting and took a seat on the small ottoman across from him. He gave you a questioning look when he noticed you chose not to sit next to him. 

"Are you cheating on me?" You blurted out the question more bluntly than you meant to. The look on TJ's face morphed into disbelief. 

"No. (Y/N) why would you think that?"

"You're always taking these secret phone calls and leaving the room so I won't hear anything and you're constantly going out for hours at a time without mentioning where you're going. I thought we'd be spending more time together since it's the off-season but you're acting really secretive."

"Sweetheart, I'm not cheating on you. I've been working on a surprise for you. That's why I've been taking so many calls and going out so much. I was actually planning on surprising you next week." His response made you feel terrible for doubting him.

"I'm so sorry TJ. I'm a terrible girlfriend. I didn't trust you and I accused you of cheating even though I knew you would never do that to me and now I feel really terrible. You were going to surprise me and I ruined it and you've been working so hard and now that's all ruined." You rambled on.

"(Y/N), sweetheart, it's okay. I understand where you were coming from. You know what? Get your shoes on. The surprise is basically ready anyways and I want to show you."

"TJ, you don't have to change your plans just because I ruined the surprise."

"No, it actually works out better this way. Just get your shoes on and let's go."

You and TJ hopped in your car and you let TJ drive since you had no clue where to go. There were a few turns and you started driving through an area of Washington that you had never seen before. While he was driving, TJ pulled out a blindfold and handed it to you. You begrudgingly put it on after TJ gave you a look. With the blindfold on, it was much more difficult to figure out where you were going. After what felt like forever, you felt the car stop.

"Okay, I'm going to come to your side and help you out of the car. Don't peak." TJ explained to you before you heard his door shut and yours open. 

You could feel TJ lead you away from the car and you were excited to see what he had been working so hard on. TJ stopped walking and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"Okay, when I count to three, take the blindfold off." You nodded.

"One... Two... Three! Take off the blindfold. Welcome to your new home!" 

You pulled off your blindfold to come face to face with a beautiful house. The outside was covered in monochromatic brick with a gorgeous white trim. You started to look around and saw a giant yard and the long driveway you must've driven up. There was no way TJ hadn't seen your face light up and when you looked at him with a questioning look, he began to explain.

"I've been looking at houses for months. You said you hated the apartment because it was too small and we couldn't have a dog so I decided to find a house. We've talked about houses so many times so it wasn't hard to find something we would both love. I hope you're not upset with me for buying a house without showing you first. I just wanted to do something nice for you because you deserve it."

"TJ, I love the house so far. I am so sorry I accused you of cheating when you were buying us a house. This is amazing. Thank you so much."

"Let's go look at the inside, I hope you love it." TJ seemed extremely excited now. "It's not furnished because that was supposed to be done next week but this way you can pick out the furniture instead of me making possibly terrible choices."

"C'mon TJ, show me our new home!" You didn't think it was possible but TJ's grin got wider at your statement. He looked excited and you were amazed at the man you loved. He was able to surprise you with a new home that was the start to your future. You were glad TJ 

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