To you |Nathan MacKinnon|

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March 3, 2018


Before I say anything else, I need you to know that I love you. I love the way you smile at me when I get excited about pizza. The way you giggle and try to hide it with a cough after I've messed up my words. I love the way you remind me how much you love me every chance that you get. I love the way I can always count on you. For anything. I love you so much that I can't bear hurting you any longer.

By now you most likely know what's happening. I took all of my clothes from our closet and the sink that used to be littered with my makeup is empty. Every pair of shoes I own, that you used to complain were everywhere, are now piled in the back of my car. I decided to make it easier on you and take all of our pictures down for you. They're in a box in the closet where my suitcase used to sit. The biggest thing you might have noticed is the ring in it's box beside this letter. I can't keep it. I can't wear it on my finger and be reminded every day that I left the man that I love. Especially when I know that all you want to know is why.

You want to know why I left you. Why I gave the ring back. Why I moved out without even talking to you.

Honestly, I don't know if the truth would sting less than a lie.

I can't marry you. We're so young and inexperienced. I haven't gotten to travel the world like I had hoped and your hockey career is just getting good. Your focus is hockey which it should be and I don't want to interfere with you doing what you love because I want something else. Maybe we weren't meant to be together. I wasn't meant to be a WAG and you deserve more than someone who felt trapped.

I hope you can forgive me someday. The thought of you hating me forever stings. Somehow it stings less than the idea of you still being as in love with me as I am with you. So please. Hate me. Cuss me out at the top of your lungs and let the world know how bad I've hurt you. Then, begin to heal. 

I know I didn't deserve you and I hope you find someone that does. Someone who sees the entire world when she looks at you. Someone who can be there for you like I was never able to. I hope they can make you smile when it feels impossible, be serious when you need the support, and give you everything you could ever want.

I really do want the best for you. It didn't happen to be me but you will find what is best for you someday. I love you to the moon and back Nathan MacKinnon. 

Always, forever and a day,


Nathan was shocked. He hadn't seen this coming. 

He had said goodbye this morning before heading to practice and you were acting completely normal. He couldn't grasp the idea of you leaving in his mind. Before he left, he wrapped his arms around you and you danced around the kitchen. You had joked around with him about doing this for the rest of your lives. He had agreed. You were supposed to become Mrs. MacKinnon in less than 4 months. 

Nathan sunk to his knees, the letter crumpled in his left fist, the ring in his right.


This is pretty short but I don't know if that's something people care about? 

Also I was thinking about writing an actual fanfic but in that social media style so instagram and maybe twitter.

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