Unexpected |Brendan Gallagher|

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Your hands were shaking as you held the long piece of plastic in your hands, a small plus sign and the word "pregnant" displayed across the tiny screen. A wave of emotions rushed through you as the idea of you having a baby began to process in your mind. This was something you and Brendan had talked about before but those conversations never seemed serious and you had only been married for 4 months. Everything was still new to the two of you, settling down in your new house as a married couple and the hockey season starting again. 

Brendan was on a road trip and wouldn't be back for another six days which gave you some time to process and figure out how you were going to tell him. You wanted it to be special and something that he would love too. Dozens of ideas popped into your head but none of them seemed perfect. Disappointed, you put the planning aside and scrolled through your various social media until you scrolled past a tweet from a fan account that gave you the perfect idea.

The first person you called the next morning was Angela, Carey Price's wife. She was amazing at designing team clothes and you knew she would love to help you so you sent her a text.


Hey girl! I need a really big favour from you


Of course! What do you need?


I was wondering if you could

 make a little habs jersey and put 

something special on the back for me


no problem!

what do you want on the back??


baby Gally?

or should it be baby Gallagher??



no way girl! you're pregnant!?!?

that's so exciting


yeah! I found out this morning

I want to surprise Bren when he gets home 


I'll have it done by tomorrow!

I'll come by to drop it off and we 

can have a lunch date

With that covered, you ran to the store to get everything you would need to pull this off. You picked out a small gift bag and a card, heading towards the checkout before grabbing some of Brendan's favourite candy. The more prepared you got, the more excited you began to feel. 

Texting Brendan was extremely difficult because you were so careful with how you worded things and you desperately wanted to tell him. However, you knew the surprise would be worth it. 

The next day, Angela stopped by with the teensy jersey in her hand. It turned out so cute and you could not be more anxious to show Brendan. Angela stayed for lunch and you chatted about anything and everything, including how she had told Carey about their baby girl. Talking to someone who already knew you were pregnant was so refreshing and the time flew by. 

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