Earlier Than Expected |Tyler Seguin|

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There were only two days left on the Stars road trip and you were hoping the baby would wait until Tyler got home. He had a game tomorrow against the Panthers and the following day was a travel day. You didn't want to have your baby girl without Tyler by your side but you were too far along to travel with him and your entire support system was in Dallas. 

All of the WAGS were constantly stopping by to check on you, considering you were only a week away from your due date. Tyler's mom, Jackie, was flying in tomorrow so she could be here for the birth and your parents only lived about an hour away. There were so many people around you that supported you but you couldn't wait for Tyler to get home. 

Your phone was constantly blowing up with texts, a majority of them being Tyler checking up on you and the baby. You couldn't help but giggle every time your phone went off, knowing there would be a cheesy message from your husband. He was extremely excited for your little girl and kept texting you name ideas. 



I have more names

They're so good


What are they now, Ty?

Ty 💕💖


or Gemma 

or Amelia


I like Amelia 

What about Harper?


What about Penelope?


We are not naming baby Seguin Penelope

What about Maisie?


Vetoing Maisie

No offense 

I like Avery


We both seem to like A names

Avery and Amelia are both cute 



I like Harper better than Harlow

and I really like Avery and Amelia


Is that our top three?

Harper, Avery and Amelia

Just as you sent that text, a shooting pain ran up your leg and it felt like you had started to pee. You were slightly embarrassed because this wasn't the first time this had happened. Baby Seguin had a habit of kicking your bladder at the worst times. Suddenly, you clued in. Your water had just broken. 

Beginning to panic, you dialed the first person who came to mind which was Jamie Benn's wife Katie. It rang twice before she answered the phone.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"Are you busy right now?" You asked, gathering all of the necessary bags.

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