Chapter 4: Crazed Fans & Uncle Si

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A/N - Thanks for reading this story guys, I seriously appreciate it. Now, I'm not gonna blab on and on now, let's get started with chapter 4 :) xx


"I'm hungry!" Niall whined loudly, clutching his stomach. I rolled my eyes.

"For goodness' sake, Niall James Horan. We've just eaten breakfast!" Liam declared, shaking his head.

"And you were the one who finished all our cereal, Nialler," I said, glancing at him. It was morning, and we are in the living room. The boys are now doing their own things, and by 'their own things', I meant Louis and Harry watching random videos on Youtube and cracking up loudly, Zayn fixing his hair in the bathroom, Liam just started a twitcam and last but not least, Niall complaining that he's hungry after he finished a box of cereal just ten minutes ago.

The DOA girls have school today. Well, I don't have because... well, because how can you leave One Direction behind, just for school?!

Yeah well. I skipped school. Only for today though, this is actually my first time skipping school...

"But Liam!" Niall whined. Liam ignored him, turning back to his laptop.

"Yeah, Niall's here, and the other boys are here as well." I heard Liam said to the laptop screen. I glanced toward him, and sure enough, he was now doing a twitcam. I walked toward him, and there was already twenty thousand viewers. This is damn cool.

Few days ago I was one of those girls who kept tweeting them while they're on twitcam, hoping they would read my question out loud. Now, I could even touch them... Dear Lord, I love my life.

"Oh hey April," Liam turned to me, pulling me toward him. He motioned me to look at the camera, and I did. I smiled, reading the tweets on the side.

'@1Dforeverr321: Who is that??!?!?'

'@we_loveliam98: OMG whos that? i like her hair!'

'@hawt_hazza: LIAM, who's that pretty girl??'

And a lot more tweets.

"Yeah, she's awesome, too!" Liam grinned at the screen. I grinned back, blushing at the tweets. "Guys, do you mind if I go away for a few seconds? Important stuff," Liam concluded, closing the laptop and turned to me and the boys.

"What is it?" I asked, curious.

"Boys, I think we should tell everyone now about April," Liam said loudly. The boys stopped doing whatever they were doing and turned to us. Well, Zayn is still in the bathroom, though.

"ZAYN!" I screeched, without hesitation. Zayn came rushing down the stairs, looking curious and worried.

"What is it? Vas Happenin'?!" Zayn asked, glancing at us. Ahh, I've finally heard Zayn's famous signature line in person! We snickered, he looked damn worried.

"Nothing, we just need to talk about April, whether we should reveal her to the fans or not," Louis said.

"Oh. I thought you all broke my combs," Zayn said seriously, walking over to the sofa and plopping beside me. He brushed his hair with his fingers. Just a friendly reminder that Zayn had been in the bathroom for one hour and a half, fixing his hair. Apparently he's still not finished yet. And another friendly reminder that he's not a girl, yet he fixes his hair way longer than a normal girl does. This boy is unique.

"So... should we, or should we not?" Liam asked again.

"Well, Uncle Si know about where we are now, and...," Harry started.

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