"Lies!" He growls "Tell me where she is! Or your fate will be the same as the others who kept her from us!'

A lump grew in Clarke's throat at the thought of countless deaths for her. The worst thing for her though, was that the only person she spoke to or even interacted with, was Niylah. She placed the knife carefully on the bench and turned to watch the scene play out, fists clenched.

"Please! I don't know!" Niylah choked out through her crushing throat. Her hands clawed helplessly against the bounty hunter's arms. Clarke couldn't watch another innocent death. Not again. She pulled the dagger from its sheath and arched her arm, launching it forward sending it spinning into his back. His grip loosened and he dropped to his knees. The man he travelled with turned to face her, short angered grunts escaping from him.

"Wanheda..." his eyes narrowed "looks like I found you."

His words suddenly takes Clarke back to when she found Finn, stood over the bodies of the innocent people he killed to find her. The smile on his face when he found her, reflected the face in front of her.

"Yes, you have found me." Clarke said through gritted teeth "However, you forget who I am."

The bounty hunter lurched towards her, lifting his leg to deliver a kick to her side. She dodged it with ease, only to find another blow headed towards her. The girl blocked it, and watched as he unsheathed his sword and swung it at her shoulder, making her stumble back and land on the steps behind her. It had only skimmed her skin. He glared down at her, but she lifted her leg, kicking him in the stomach forcing him to hunch over, grunting at the unexpected hit. She lifted the sword as soon as it connected with the floor, and got to her feet. His eyes widened as he watched the woman in front of him, fearlessly examining his blade before turning it down to point it straight at him. Clarke peered down at him through her red hair.

"Allow me to remind you, Bounty Hunter" she hissed "I am the commander of death"

She drove the iron sword into his chest, hearing the slight crunch as the metal crushed through his ribs, piercing his heart. Blood escaped through his lips as he fell to the floor, leaving a ever-growing pool of blood around him.

"Wanheda, thank you" Niylah whispered, her hands carefully rubbing along the bruising skin of her neck. Clarke looked down at the bodies, gnawing on the inside of her cheek as she thought of a plan.

"Nobody else will die for me" Clarke said in a a low voice, she said and turned to the trader, her heart in her mouth as she spoke "I want you to hand me over to the commander."

Clarke knew that because she was Wanheda, everyone wanted her power, and she hid from that like she hid from her own people. But there was no point in hiding if even more people died. Niylah's eyes softened.

"Clarke" she said quietly "What if they kill you?'

"Then I'm one less danger in this world Niylah." she said quietly, blood dripping down her shoulder from where she had caught herself with the blade of the sword. The trader's eyes landed on the wound, and she carefully reached out to look at it, slowly, afraid of what Clarke would say.

"Allow me to take care of your shoulder, Wanheda" she whispered, her hand dropping to run down Clarke's arm. She took Clarke's silence as a yes, and she lead her through the rough fabric of the curtain behind the counter to the backroom. Clarke settled herself of Niylah's bed, and her eyes followed the other woman's movements as she collected bandages from her drawers. Clarke held her breath as she slid off her punctured, stained shirt from her body.

"You are no commander of death" Niylah whispered as she tended to her wounded shoulder "I view you as the commander of peace."

Clarke scoffed at the thought "That's all I ever wanted. But people betrayed me. Lexa betrayed me. Its hard to bring peace when you can't even be at peace with yourself"

Niylah's hands lingered "What you did at the mountain... they would never have stopped. They would have taken more"

"I-" Their blistered, bloody faces flash through Clarkes vision "Can we talk about something other than the mountain?'

Their faces haunted her every night, and it felt like there was a hole in heart every time she thought of them. The guilt of what she did hurt. And the betrayal and heartbreak she felt when Lexa left her alone at the doors of the mountain hurt more. She still remembers the empty feeling as she watched the commander turn and walk away, her red sash flowing behind her as she abandoned her heartlessly.

She looked down, blinking away the tears that threatened to escape her eyes. Thats when she felt Niylah's lips pressed against the skin of her neck, her hands skimming down her back, her body pressed to against her own. Clarke sighed as she welcomed the feeling, dropping down her guard to the blonde woman as her lips found hers. She just needed to get the commander out of her head. She just needed someone to act like they cared. Even if it was just for one night.


Hey this is my first time writing on a Mac and not on my phone so it feels weird. I tried something new. Let me know what you think. Don't be afraid to comment and tell me.

Also I'm NOT comfortable with writing smut. If you wanna write it for me then fine but I am NOT writing it.

I Couldn't Stop Caringحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن