Ilianu knew that his son was still alive and this was the reason why Sergei had laid low shielded by his father's spells. But it wouldn't be long before they traced him. He could easily hand Marina over to the Enforcers but that would be too easy. He had plans for her and Stefan. She was still obsessed with him and would betray Stefan over and over again just to be with Sergei.

"How is Ilianu's boy?" Andrei asked.

"He is doing well for now. But by the time I am through with him, he would be better left on chains."

"What exactly are you doing to him?"

"Nothing. I left him with some of the Renegades he pissed off in the past. You would be surprised at the things their sick minds can come up with."

"You forget that I know you better than you know yourself. I know you are also doing something to him."

Andrei hadn't cared about what his son was doing to Stefan until now.

"He doesn't have much of an entertainment there so I provide one for him every day. He gets to watch me take his beautiful wife and hear her not only scream with pleasure, but also hear her swear over and over again that she would kill him over and over again just to be with me."

"And she has no idea that he lives?"

"No. she doesn't suspect a thing. But I have plans on introducing them."

"You are devious."

"I learnt from the best. He still believes that she is his true mate. And to think that his true mate is a Renegade who has been under his nose these past years and he doesn't suspect a thing."

When Sergei first introduced himself to Marina, he had done so with the belief that she was Stefan's true mate for he had watched Stefan moon over the mortal. She had come a long way from the teenager whose virginity he had almost taken years earlier.

He didn't know why he hadn't done it but he was glad he hadn't for it had given her more reason to hate Stefan. His cousin had taken her virginity forcefully and she had hated him for it.

He had only discovered the truth a few months after he had imprisoned Stefan in his hide out. Lorena Banderas could easily pass for Marina, at least facially. However she was shorter, about 5"3 to Marina's 5"9 and a mousy creature. She had always hidden beneath her big clothes and buns. She was the mortal daughter of a vampire who had been a Familiar i.e. a mortal Renegade before he was fully converted after her birth. She had lost her nerd-like appearance after Stefan's arrival and that was when Sergei saw the uncanny resemblance. She was also a Latina, from Cuba.

She carried about a locket with a sketch of Stefan in it. She constantly snuck into the basement when she thought no one was looking. It amused Sergei to watch her gawk at the other vampire's emaciated body.

She wasn't his type but Sergei would take her if he thought for one second that Stefan was the least bit interested in her. But Stefan looked at her with the same hatred in his eyes when he looked at other Renegades.

She was an innocent. She had lived under his roof all her life and had never stepped out of the building. She was constantly abused by her father, both physically and emotionally and whenever she tried to escape him, he punished her. He ensured that she was locked in a closet and was starved for days. He was all she had and he used that as an emotional blackmail. She bore his abuses with the hope that her true mate would come and rescue her from it and steal her away. She thought this was a fairy tale.

Sergei was aware of the poisonous substances she had injected into Stefan with the hope of killing him in order to reduce his pain. But she didn't realize that no poisonous substance no matter how potent could kill an ancient, not even a weak one. But she knew better than to offer him her blood. She had an idea of what Sergei was capable of doing to her for that singular act of betrayal.

"As soon as I am through with my favourite cousin, I shall return him to his family. As it stands, he is almost out of his mind, what with the constant solitary confinements and buggering. I'm afraid that by the time I free him, he shall be a threat to himself and everyone around him. El Diablo. He might be forced to go under like his Bunic.

"Whatever you do, just ensure that he stays alive. I don't want any disruptions in my plans." Andrei told his son.

"You can count on that. When the time is right, it shall be my greatest pleasure to dispose of him once and for all."

"Now that that is settled," started Marishka Romanescu. "I would like to know what is going on in my son's life."

She hooked her arm in the crook of Sergei's arm, her head on his shoulder. "You boys can talk later."

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