"Would you like me to make dinner tomorrow night Steve?" I jumped in my seat slightly as I asked him and my mom looked at me with pride in her eyes. I hated that I had to kiss up to him but it made it easier when I did rather than give him a reason to be angry.

"Oh that would be lovely Erika, thank you. They will be here tomorrow right at six thirty." Steve smiled thankfully, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"That's so sweet of you to offer Erika, our girl is so thoughtful." My mom gushed.

"Yes she is." Steve agreed and held up his glass in my honor which was creepy.

The rest of dinner went by uneventful and for that I was thankful. After we were finished eating I gathered all the dishes and rinsed them off and loaded the dishwasher and started it and then I excused myself to go up to my room to start on the little bit of homework I had which didn't take me very long to complete.

I was so exhausted that I passed out as soon as I was done with my homework and didn't wake up until my alarm sounded the next morning. I climbed out of bed like I did every morning and stretched out my stiff limbs and then made my way to my bathroom. I flicked on the light and gasped when I saw my reflection. My face was a little swollen and bruised on one side and there was a deep little cut on my right cheek where Steve slapped me yesterday. I knew I bit the inside of my cheek when his hand collided with my face but I didn't know the outside was cut as well until just now.

There wasn't enough makeup in the world to cover it, in fact it made it stand out even more. I groaned in frustration and took a makeup wipe to my face removing any traces of makeup. I decided against wearing any today. I brushed my hair and braided it and then went back to my room to find something to wear.

I decided on white jean shorts and a black v-neck and some black converse. Once I was dressed I glanced myself over in the mirror. My makeup less and cut face and simple outfit made me feel like I was going to look like I was sick but honestly I felt so comfortable. I let out an exasperated sigh and grabbed my stuff and made my way downstairs.

"That's what you're wearing?" Steve asked as he walked into the kitchen behind me, distaste evident in his voice.

"Yes." I answered as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. I reached into the cabinet and grabbed a bowl out to make Steve one as well.

I poured his cereal and milk and then sat it down in front of him at the table making him look at me.

"I really am sorry for slapping you Erika." He sincerely apologized, regret filled his eyes quickly before he shook it off as quickly as it appeared.

"It's fine." I turned on my heel and walked back to my bowl of cereal.

"You look nice without makeup on." He complimented honestly not looking back up from his bowl.

"Thank you?" I thanked him but it came out as more of a question, I was shocked. He never complimented me ever, unless it was a just a show or sarcastic in front of mom.

"Don't forget my business meeting is tonight." Steve reminded me taking a sip of his coffee after wards.

"Right, at six thirty. I don't have cheer tonight so I'll be home right after detention and I'll start dinner. I gotta go or I'm going to be late for school." I drank the milk from my bowl and sat it in the sink.

I left the kitchen before either of us said another word.

"Want to come over after school and have a movie night? We can do face masks and pedicures!" Chelsea asked as she met me at my locker.

"Can't, Steve's boss is coming over for a business meeting and I volunteered to cook dinner. Rain check?" I smiled sadly at her and nodded eagerly.

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