Relief For Everyone

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part Fourteen - Relief For Everyone <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It was now lunchtime, and Sophie and Carlotta were sitting at the same table as a few hours before. Hayden wasn't present, as he had a meeting with the Drama club, the people in charge of this year's performance.

Sophie had a bowl of spaghetti bolognese and was slurping loudly as she ate.

"Sophie!" Carlotta said.

"Wha?" She asked, her mouth full of pasta.

"It is not polite to make so much noises!"

"Aww, come on!" Sophie cried, throwing up her hands. "It shows I'm enjoying it!"

"Is no excuse."

Sophie rolled her eyes, and slurped loudly, a grin on her face.

"Carlotta's right, Soph. You ought to know better, what terrible table manners!"

Sophie looked up in a hurry, and there was Isaac, hands on his hips, smirking, and Ariki trying his best not to laugh.


"Where's Kelly?" Sophie asked.

"What?" Isaac threw up his hands in frustration. "You've done it again! Seriously, you have no concern for my wellbeing whatsoever."

"Kelly's sick. Come down with a cold." Ariki said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Ay, I see. Please sit down." Carlotta gestured to the bench.

"Thanks." He winked and slid into the bench. "Now, what we came here for in the first place..."

He drummed his fingers on the table, as though trying to recollect a memory.

"Come on!" Sophie said, giving him a push. "You bloody well know why you're here."

"Shush, Soph, someone'll here!" Ariki hissed.

"He's right, you know. Careful what slips out your mouth." He rolled his eyes.

Sophie seemed to rise and opened her mouth to speak, but he held up his hands for silence.

"What I was going to ask, was, how is Jaleela?"


"Ay, si, she es fine," Carlotta said, remembering how happy Jaleela had been.

"Yeah, should o' seen her face. Her spirits have been lifted." Sophie said, grinning.

He raised his eyebrows, and Ariki elbowed him.

"Oh, come on, they're telling the truth!"

"If you need proof, here's all you'll need." Sophie reached inside pulled out a slim phone from the underside of her school shirt. As usual, it was untucked and all over the place.

She flicked through and passed it over to Isaac. He took it, and after a few moments, his face lit up with a big, if silly grin.

"Well, that's proof enough." He said, handing the phone back to her.

"'Ey!" Carlotta said. "Tu never let me read!"

"Right, sorry." Sophie gave the phone to her, and Carlotta's eyes sped over the page.

"Hello, Soph. Please tell Carlotta thank you so much for her kindness. I feel very fortunate."

Carlotta paused, her brow furrowed. "Que does fortunate mean?"

"Very lucky, so Jaleela's pleased." Sophie grinned, and Carlotta's face lit up.

"Ay, es bueno." She said, taking a mouthful of food.


"Do you have Kelly's number?" Ariki asked, taking a bit of his salad roll.

"Yeah, why?" Sophie said.

"Send a text, you duffer, about the good news!" He said, grinning.

"Alright, fine." Sophie sighed, and pulled her phone out from its pocket, and began to thumb in a text.

"But, seriously guys, watch my back. I'm not even meant to have a phone at school."

"Ay, naughty Sophie!" Carlotta smiled, and Sophie just shook her head.


"Alright, sent!" Sophie said, slipping the device away. "Now I can finish eating."

She took up her fork and took a mouthful of spaghetti. Her face screwed up, and she winced.

"Ugh, it's gone all cold."

Ariki clapped his hands together. "Awesome, now that's done and dusted, what's next on the agenda?"

"I don't know, how about waving your magic wand and making my spaghetti warm again?" Sophie raised her eyebrows, taking another bite.

Ariki grinned and rolled his eyes. "No can do, my friend."

"Yo se, ah, I know!" Carlotta said. "Eat lunch!"

"Genius," Isaac said, and everyone laughed.

They lapsed into silence, and only the sound of eating could be heard at that table.

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