25. But I'll wait to say...

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I laid on his bed, my head resting on his chest, feeling it lift up and down. I heard his heart beat against my cheek and smiled. He played with my hair, what probably was one of the best things in the world.

"Ryan?", he asked with a deep voice.


"Do you know the day you played 'across the universe' by the Beatles for me?", he asked, continuing to stroke my hair slowly.

"I do, why?", I asked.

"I played it on the piano, wanna hear it?", he asked.

"What? Really? Yeah, sure! I would love to", I said sitting up looking at his face seeing a bright smile appearing on it.

"Ok, then come downstairs with me", he said standing up, followed by me. He laid his hands on my hips and pulled me into a kiss, that lasted longer than usual.

"If we continue like this we will never get to the piano", he chuckled.

"I don't have anything against continuing", I answered smiling against his lips.

He laughed and pulled away looking right into my eyes. His cheeks were red as tomatoes, probably like mine.

"No, I really want to play the song", he said letting go of me before walking out of the room.

I rolled my eyes smiling and went after him. The piano stood in the living room, next to a guitar. Brendon took a seat and played a little bit with his fingers, before sitting into the right position.

"Uhm, I don't know what you think of my voice, I actually never really sang in front of anybody except mum and katie, so I'm sorry if my voice is bad, but just listen alright?", he rambled, scratching his neck.

"I would love to hear you sing", I answered, "I've been waiting long for that."

He chuckled and looked at the piano tiles in front of him, sitting up straighter before laying his fingers on the white and black tiles.

Start the song NOW! It's a cover of across the universe (by the Beatles) sung by Ryan and Brendon (I fucking LOVE this cover, so enjoy:))

First I just heard the piano playing, his slim fingers flying over the piano so smoothly, you didn't even notice he was touching them. He knew what he did and it was beautiful.

And then I think I heard the most wonderful thing on this entire universe. He started singing and shocking me with his voice completely. It was deep and nasal, but he also sang pretty high. I was never good in describing things, but too be honest, his voice wasn't describable. It was so smooth and beautiful, you could listen to it all day long.

Then I picked the guitar from the floor and started to sing the refrain with him. He seemed to be surprised at first but then he smiled and sang with me.

Just now I realised how well or voices harmonize with each other. Or maybe it was just what I heard, but it sounded perfectly.

I stopped singing and Brendon continued with the verse. He was nervous, I saw that. The way his eyes flicker from tile to tile, how silent he sang, eventhough I knew exactly he could sing louder and more impulsive.

Sometimes you gotta sing more quiet to actually feel the song in your heart.

And that's what he did. He sang silently, but he meant every word.

The refrain came again and I joined Brendon like I did last time. He smiled while singing at first, but continued professional.

For a short moment I even forgot what happened before and I think Brendon did too. The only things existing right now were the piano, the guitar, Brendon and me.

Across The Universe *Ryden (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now