*NEW* XXVII - A Touch of Merriment

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"It's alright," Silas smiled for him, "This is Elijah. The one I told you about. Remember?"

Recalling the past Silas spoke of before about Eli, of how they'd nearly been hanged together. The young man reached a hand out, and said, "My name is Curtis. I have to say it is nice to meet you."

Guessing this was the person Silas was in a new relationship with, Eli stepped forward and took his hand. "Likewise, Curtis, and it is nice to see Silas here is not so isolated anymore. You see, he is quite the miserable person."

Seeming to make himself comfortable in Curtis' lap, Silas draped an arm around his shoulder, and said, "Have you come to now embarrass me, or is there a reason you're here? Don't get me wrong, Eli, your company is something I enjoy, but...as you can see, I've currently got a visitor of my own."

Taking a seat in a chair opposite the sofa, Eli untied a sack from around his torso and opened it on the table before him. Inside was a box filled with the same macaroons that would be served at the birthday celebration. "There is a fair amount of Jasper's family that will be attending his ball tonight, so it seemed safest for me to step out until nightfall."

"And you chose to spend your time with me?" Silas quirked a brow, "I'm flattered."

Tossing a macaroon in his mouth, Eli sat back and folded his hands behind his head, "Is he always this snarky with you?" he addressed Curtis, a few crumbs of the sweet tarnishing his lips. "I swear, time has made him so very bitter. Tell me, Silas, what has happened to the light that once shone from you when we were younger?"

"I am uncertain," Silas furrowed his brow, "Perhaps it was when my father discovered I enjoy cock rather than a woman's touch. That he threatened to toss me to the law if I did not change, kept his promise, and then I was nearly hanged for simply being who I am. One of those could be a reason. Take your pick."

"See," Eli met Curtis' dark brown eyes with a shake of his head, "Bitter," and then he went on with: "I've chosen to get over it, really. All we can be glad for is that we continue to breathe after such an unfortunate event. We are both comfortable where we are now, aren't we?"

"Comfortable?" Silas huffed, "I live in comfort, you live in luxury."

"Yes, that is true, isn't it?" Eli smiled before eating another macaroon and offered some to the others. "Please, Curtis, I would like to hear more of you if you don't mind. When did you meet Silas?"


This would have been Jasper's first birthday celebrated with Eli in his life, but for the plot he had thought up to take place tonight, they'd agreed that having him leave the premises until it was safe to return home. At the moment, he was standing at the balcony of the second floor, watching the guests of the night arrive. Here in Banemount, there were a great amount of notable Lords and Ladies who lived here, and they were all excited to have received an invitation to Jasper Lancechester's celebration. There were even inventors excited to merely be there for a chance to speak with the Master. In the months Jasper had lived in Banemount, it was discovered that he would make a great investor to those with a ideas and products he'd be interested in putting money in. He was certain many of those people would be seeking his ear tonight.

Alone on the balcony as his merry guests arrived, Jasper looked down on himself for a moment. He was dressed in a white and gold ensemble. White stockings were buckled mid-thigh, the same length in which his shorts stopped, his white heeled boots were spotless with shiny gold clasps, and his white shirt was crisp as it buttoned to this neck. Around his collar was a lace ascot that puffed out of his vest. With just two buttons, his white vest had intricate and artful golden designs sewn into it, and lastly, his tailcoat was just as clean and crisp as his shirt, light in material with golden cuffs, buttons, and a tail that resembled the backside of a woman's dress, but it wasn't long enough to touch the floor. If anything, Jasper Lancechester looked extravagant tonight, and he wished Eli could see him now.

Master, my Master | boyxboy | [alternate happy ending]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora