VII - In the Evening

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The manor was in a frenzy as supper was being prepared for the family. Special cooks were running about in the kitchen, savory spices filled the air, and maids rushed to set the dining table. Soon everything was prepared and each member began to make their way down.

Master Jasper descended the stairs with Eli following just behind. He was trying to compose himself before enduring this evening with an assembly of people who meant absolutely nothing to him. His palms were clammy, mouth dry as he drew nearer to the dining room. He looked up at his faithful servant who walked just behind him, and was reassured when a faint smile and nod was given. The Young Master wore his trouser shorts, a white collared shirt with ruffled sleeves, and a red tweed vest with a gray satin puff necktie tucked inside. His hair was held back in a red ribbon, strays kept out of his gorgeous face.

When he took a breath and entered the room, everyone was taking their seats around the lengthy table. The candles were lit and warm light from outside shined through the towering windows. It looked like more people than the Young Master was expecting, even though it was the same group from previous years.

Edmund, Francis, Bolton, Audrey, the youngsters Lily and William, each of their parents, Madame Scarlett's grandparents, Beatrice, Jacob, Maxwell, Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Hector, Grandma Petunia, Scarlett and Master Ronald himself. There were so many faces, Master Jasper debated on turning on his heels and scrambling back up to the safety of his library. But, although he hadn't a particular relationship of any kind with his father, a promise was a promise and he was going to keep it. Besides, he was awfully famished.

The moment the Young Master entered the room, everyone looked over at him. An uncomfortable wave came over him, but he put it aside. He knew they were probably wondering what possessed him to join them all.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, he nudged Eli, "Bring me some wine, would you? The Royal one, thank you."

When Eli disappeared into the hall, Master Jasper strolled towards his father who was seated at the head of the table. There was an empty chair to his left just for his son. A white-haired server pulled the cushioned chair out for the Young Master to take his seat. When the server tried to pour him a cup of tea, he put his hand over the rim and shook his head, "I will be having something else."

The stiff server nodded his apology and went on with the others. The silence at the table was unbelievably awkward, and he knew why they were all so silent at the moment. They weren't used to seeing his face at a gathering such as this.

Master Jasper glanced at his father for a sense of assurance.

"I am glad you could make it, son," Master Ronald nodded with a beaming smile on his scruffy face. He was in need of a good shave. Then he looked out across the table at his fair-haired wife. "Are we not, darling?"

Madame Scarlett wore an elegant but dinner appropriate sky blue gown with her strawberry blonde curls pinned up. In her small voice, she said, "Certainly."

"I am unclear why," came a second voice. It was Edmund across the table and three chairs down from Master Jasper. "It is more than obvious the runt doesn't like any of us at all. He spends all of his precious time trying to evade us when we do come to visit this place."

"Edmund," Master Ronald stressed, "In my household you will respect my son."

"Please, because he respects everyone as it is? Am I right..." he switched his gaze to one person in particular, "...Beatrice?"

Beatrice, sitting across from Master Jasper, didn't look up. She merely took a sip of her tea as though she'd heard nothing.

A smack came to Edmund's hand. It was his father beside him giving him a look of caution. "Quiet your tongue, boy. We are here to have dinner for my sister, not for you and the other children to bicker over your cousin."

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