Rant : 20

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For my Liaison and I

We love in morse code: Incomprehensibly, with little punctuation dots and long red slashes. We love in secret. Sometimes not even sharing that secret with ourselves, let alone each other.

Oh how we covet our secrets! Sometimes I truly believe that we love them far more than we could ever love anybody willing to stand before us-or for us.

The kinds of innocent little secrets- of half truths and whole lies- that we have never been able to share will tell how long two people can last together. I think we can only last one more infinite moment.

I'm glad. Its too much for me.

Your fingers caressing my thighs, your fists clenching my hair, your moans drowning my sighs are too much for me to bear.

As much as I would love my eager hands to trace the edges of your body like they would an ancient map; or my greedy eyes to consume the loving bruises I left on your ochre skin again, it is time for me to go.

It is time for me to flit into the arms of another. To lie face down against less starched sheets instead of face up on yours- a whiter counterpart.

I'm sorry that I'll forget you. I'm sorrier that you might forget me too. Your words, your eyes, your dirtily divine mouth, the passion you have shown me these past few weeks saved my soul.

Now that I am done confessing. Kneel before me one last time and show me all the ways that I still own you.

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