Rant : 15

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Dear Patriarchy

You aren't allowed. You don't get to walk into my home. My sanctuary. And disregard and take advantage of me.

You don't get to get away with that. You really don't. Well, you shouldn't. But you do...

And it's my fault. I shouldn't have to run. I shouldn't have to change my behaviour. But I do. Because 'would haves', 'should haves' and 'could haves' don't keep me safe. Don't stop you from carrying out whatever atrocities you chauvinists think you're getting away with.

Net result, I feel like I have to put myself on hold and give into your tantrums.

I am sick. I am sick and tired of people like you who take what you want without sparing a thought on the repercussions for others.

I am sick. I am sick and tired of letting you have your whimsical way. And most of all I am sick and tired of being unable to do anything but fucking write about it. And it sucks that even through all of my spiel, there's still no one who listens!

You say women talk a lot. You say that we don't shut up. You're right. But we're just waiting for someone who will listen to what we have to say.

Until then all we can do is talk and talk and talk until we can see the Patriarchy's ears bleed from our shut down complaints. Until we watch your faces crumble in guilt from all the atrocites you directly and indirectly commit. The lives you ruin. The children who suffer and the children you force into becoming you.

You will watch, as they all become little red candles which will one day revolt and set you afire and roast marshmellows in the infernos;  sprinkling your ash upon the hallowed ground of all the graves you dug.

I have written my piece, yes. Now Lord, give me the courage to say it.

Author's Note:

Please keep in mind that this rant is not against men. It's against the concept of patriarchy which I have personified in this piece.

Again, not man-hating; merely hating on patriarchy and chauvinism (along with active practitioners of the doctrine).

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