Poem: 29

36 2 0

The Frenzy

Theres a blockage in my throat
Its the space clogged by emotion
Its the place I buried my feelings
And within that hollow, parts of me still exist.

I thought that they were dead.
I'd sealed their coffins oh-so tightly!
But look,
Here they come. Their rancid fingers grabbing at my mind!

Look! They flee confinement
And there's nothing I can do.
So I sit and write
Through blurry eyes

These eyes of mine are spurred on by those ungodly creatures-
They toss and turn and writhe inside me.
I never had a clue.
(But of course I'd gotten warnings!)

I've been one to heed warnings.
Maybe that's why they exist in the first place?
Unattended, they were left to grow
Free to reach such great heights of desecration

I endure the blurriness
Though I can barely see anymore.
(Wiping this salt gives it too much credence)
Wiping my tears acknowledges their existence;
I want them to be the ones having an existential crisis.

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