Rant : 3

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I am hurtling towards the point of no return. Everyday, every year, I get closer. I fear I'm going to hell for my personna. My sexuality is running free and wild like a strong stallion. And I'm terrified. Terrified because in this world, female sexuality is greatly marginalised. Denied existence even.
It is sad to live this way & yet blasphemous to not do so.

So what is the woman of today to do? Should we cower and wait for the passage of time before we give in to our natural blazenness? Or not do so and be excommunicated, reduced to sell our bodies; once used for joyous unions but now a form of currency? Will things ever start looking up for us 'horny bitches'? Are we to be continously denied freedom from the stigma of society against our 'needs of the flesh'?

Well, I for one, refuse to submit. I am not going to sit here and deal with it. And most of all, I am never going to apologize or be made to feel like a deviant purely for being human. Being shamed for sensuality & sexual feeling is as ludicrous as being shamed for hunger or thirst. It is an essential part of being alive!

I refuse to bow down. I'll stand in my brackish tower full of gypsies and crack whores. But I'll stand tall and free; master of my own destiny. And I will wrestle all remnants of the power you have over my life from your gnawed, dying fingers. And dance and sing and howl in delight of being able to do so.

I'll stand sword drawn; ready to attack anyone who attempts to strike us bitches down.

And you'll all come crashing down like a house of cards against our might.

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