Rant : 4

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The Analysis And The Conclusion:

And I guess the only thing I want from life is for someone to look me square in the eye & say "You are who you are & I'm okay with that." And mean it.

I think I give myself away over these simple things because they mean so much to me. For in the end, I am nothing more than a gaunt starveling, with my begging bowl of love full of false promises and shards of glass.

Glass that reminds me to cut through the lies & pierce into the truth of the hands of manipulation grasping at me. False promises which teach me to rise above and never bandy them about, owing to the pain that they cause the receiver.

Still, I am grateful and I thank my life for all of its rough edges as they have sharpened over time, making me stronger & weaker than most at the same time. A perilous but beautiful predicament to be in. And I would never give it up for all the riches in the world.

I give into my emotions & block them out with the same rigour. I scream as zestily as I laugh. And I cry as quietly as I smile in the night, finding solace in the pale face of the moon, glowing irridescent, unmoved by the suffers below her.

And though my 'self' is the only thing I own. I prefer owning it with dignity. Carefully shaping myself, lying to myself to be able to forget the filth in this body of mine & in doing so maybe, just maybe embodying the values I hope to camouflage my sins with.

Im not good. I never have been. And it is not in my nature to be a survivor.

However, I have taught myself the trick of it...

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