Rant : 16

54 3 0

The Sculpture:

And I fell in love with your silhuette.

Like some sort of chimera you glistened in the partly lit avenues of my mind. You are the unyielding but ever mortal object of my affection.

Its a fickle thing to be, I should warn you; but dare not lest you realize and leave. I want you just as you stand before me today, cloaked in shadow, beautified by fairy lights of my own creation. Romanticized to perfection.

Hiding your naked truth, you stand before me, rising and falling like some trick of the light. Show me your darkness, my jaded sprite. Show me the unscruplessness of you.

Let me fall in love with the truths you bare, with the marks you share with none.The sheer strength of your misinformed beliefs.

Step out of the mists. Let me see you clearly- as a trickster or a trick. For I have not understood what I ever did to find you.

Step out, step out while I fall out of love with your silhuette.

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