He stood in place, menacingly wiping the dust off the gadget.

Jimin and Mrs. Park smiled at his... over-the-topness.

A van pulled up on the driveway and it honked a few times as alphas got out of the van.

"Oh, my losers are here." Jimin chuckled. He hugged his parents before running out the door.

Mr. Park wrapped his arm over his wife's waist as the two walked over to the window to watch their energetic son.
"Guys don't honk! You're bothering the neighbours!!" Their son scolded Hoseok, who was behind the steering wheel.

Mrs. Park laughed as she tenderly watched her little boy. Jimin's father looked at his smiling spouse.
"A seven way relationship huh?" His father stared, "Jimin's lucky that they're all friends. Back when me and the three others were trying to win your affection, we were at each other's throats!"

The mother kissed his cheek, "a poly relationship wouldn't have worked between the five of us, besides, I always loved you most."

She snuggled in closer, "My parents were always strict, they would have never approved it. They barely approved you!"
"Really?!" Mr. Park dreadfully exclaimed.

Jimin's mother glanced back out the window,

Jimin was hugged from behind by Seokjin, then Taehyung joined too.

"I'm glad we raised Jimin to be so happy."

Mr. Park smiled and nodded in agreement.

Namjoon noticed the two looking out the window. He gave a smile and a bow to Jimin's parents before instructing everyone to get back in the van.

As they drove off, they waved to Mr. and Mrs. Park.
Mrs. Park smiled and waved back while Mr. Park held the rifle in his hand.

"...Minnie what is that gun for?"



Hoseok parked in Namjoon's driveway.

"My parents are out for their weekly date." Namjoon explained as he opened the door. "They said as long as we don't break anything and clean up the place when we're done then we can do whatever."

"Move, I'm gay." Yoongi pushed his way through the crowd with a cooler in his arms.
"I got the booze." He placed the container on a table in the living room.

Jungkook played a record on a nearby vinyl player.

"So... what ya wanna do first?" Taehyung spoke up.
Seokjin rummaged through his bag, "I brought cards." He held up the set.

"What do we do with those?!? Play Go Fish?" Hoseok scoffed.

"Play strip poker?" Namjoon suggested.

"Never again." Jimin whispered, salty from the last time he played.

"No, we're not gonna do any of that." Seokjin brushed off all the comments as he grabbed two cards and placed them together.
"I've recently been practicing how to make card houses!"

"Jin hyung! If you fail, buy us ice cream!" Jungkook shouted from the other side of the room.


"And if you succeed, buy us ice cream!" Taehyung added.

"Hey! You just want ice cream!"

Seokjin continued stacking, everyone watched in anticipation as he placed the last two cards. The alpha smiled as the tower was complete.
Then Taehyung smacked it over.

(JIMINxBTS) The Alpha/Omega School {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now