Alexia Branson

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I took my foot off his stomach, wiping the tears threatening to fall, "Leave me alone and I won't tell anyone what you're really doing back in Mystic Falls. We are done. Now where is Stefan, I need him."

A new voice answered, "He's not here." A blonde stalked out of the darkness and I faced her as she smiled, "He said he had something to take care of, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you waited."

I raised my gun at her, "And who are you? One of Damon's groupies?"

"Ew no, my name is Alexia Branson and I'm a friend of Stefan's." She raised her arms, "I'm just in town for his b-day. I'll be gone by tomorrow."

I lowered my gun, and suddenly Damon was up and pinning me once again to the wall; only this time he was actually squeezing my neck, "Do you really think you can come into my house and threaten me? I'll kill you, you little bitch."

My eyes widened in fear as I watched veins appear under Damon's eyes. I closed my eyes when suddenly the pressure on my throat was gone. I opened my eyes to see Alexia vamp Damon into the opposite wall, "Leave her alone, Damon. You heard what she told you, and I don't know what happened between you two, but it sounds like you lost a good friend. You seem to be short on those nowadays."

I massaged my throat, "Thank you, Alexia."

She released Damon, smiling at me, "Please, call me Lexi."

I held out my hand, "Sorry for pointing my gun at you. My name's Tabitha Fell, but most people around here call me Tabby or Tabs."

Lexi shook my hand, "Pleasure to officially meet you." She then gingerly led me up to Stefan's room, "We can sit and chat until Stefan comes back and I promise not to let Damon anywhere near you."

I smiled, gratefully as we sat on Stefan's bed, "Thanks, I was actually hoping to avoid Damon for the rest of my human life."

"Yeah I heard a bit of your conversation. Sorry, with vamp hearing it's hard to not eavesdrop."

I shrugged, "It's okay."

"So what happened between you two?"

I sighed, starting the story, "Damon was using my best friend as a chew toy, so I offered myself up as her replacement that he didn't have to compel. He told me his story about what happened in 1864 and I felt bad for him. I screwed up and he raped me when I trusted him." I let out a humorless chuckle, "Guess that was my mistake."

Lexi scoffed, "You're not the only one who's fallen for Damon's charm, you know."

I looked up at her, "You too?"

She nodded, "A long time ago, Stefan went off somewhere and asked me to watch out for Damon. Damon had his humanity turned off and I was trying to convince him to switch it back on."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Turned off his humanity?"

"Yeah, as vampires we have the option to turn off our emotions and abandon our humanity, but doing so turns us into even more vile monsters. I find and help vampires accept the parts of themselves that are still human. But back to the point, Damon tricked me into thinking he had turned his emotions back on and he left me to die on a rooftop as the sun came up. I managed to escape, but it was a close call." She took my hand, "Don't blame yourself for something Damon did."

I stood up, pacing, "How can I not? Even after everything he did to me, I let him out and because of that, he killed Zach. It's my fault Stefan's last living relative is dead."

Lexi stood up too, placing her hand on my shoulders, "I'm sure Stefan has already forgiven you. You just need to forgive yourself. And if you want me to, I can compel the nightmares away."

I shook my head, "Naw, I've been having nightmares since I was 11. A change in the villain doesn't help, but it doesn't hurt either. And I just only recently got all of Damon's leftover compulsion removed."

Lexi smiled, "Gotcha, but why nightmares since 11?"

I sat back down on the bed, "Now that is a long story."

"I've got time."

"When I was 11, my parents decide that we needed to get out of the house and have a camping trip. The second night we were out there, a man came into my tent and kidnapped me, while my parents were asleep." I rubbed my wrists in remembrance, "He chained me up in his house and bound my legs with rope. Every day when he would come home and then beat, rape and torture me for hours. Even after I was rescued and that man was put behind bars forever, the nightmares still haunt me."

Lexi drew me into a hug, "I am so sorry."

I hugged her back chuckling, "It wasn't all bad. Nine months after everything went down I gave birth to my son. He gave me a reason to be happy again. I have goals and things I want to do and I want my son to be a part of it."

Lexi smiled, "Well hopefully the next time I'm in town, I'll get to meet the little guy."

I chuckled, "I surely hope that you do. Thanks for cheering me up Lexi."

"It's the least I could do. No one should have to suffer Damon for more than a few minutes."

I pulled out my phone, "Can I take a picture of us to send to my son? He always wants to know when I make new friends."

"No problem."

Lexi got in close and I snapped a quick selfie. "So you're here for Stefan's birthday? How old is he?"


My eyes widened, "And how old are you?"

"You can't ask a woman her age."

I laughed and a familiar voice asked, "What's going on in here?"

Lexi smiled at her best friend, "Just making friends. This one is a real gem."

I blushed and looked up at Stefan, "Sorry for intruding Mr. Salvatore."

"Don't mention it. How can I help you, Miss Fell?"

"I was hoping to borrow some vervain. I want to start my own little garden. I need to be able to protect my son when he comes to town."

He gave me a grim nod, "Of course. I'll be right back. I trust you can continue entertaining my guest until I return."

"That won't be a problem."

I waited for him to walk downstairs and then dragged Lexi into his bathroom, turning on the faucet, "Quick, tell me what Stefan's favorite color is."

"Blue, why?"

"You happen to be talking to the best seamstress in Mystic Falls. I'm gonna sew something for Stefan's birthday." I turned off the water and walked out, "I can make something for you if you want?"

She thought about it for a moment, "Well vampires don't get  cold, but I wouldn't mind a new stylish scarf, if you have time."

I shrugged, "I'll see what I can do."

Stefan came back with a couple flowers and seeds in a plastic bag, "Here you are, Miss Fell."

I took the bag, "Thank you, Mr. Salvatore. I feel as though I've overstayed my welcome, so I'll be going. It was wonderful meeting you Lexi." I started to leave when I turned and kissed Stefan on the cheek, "I almost forgot, Happy Birthday Stefan."

"Thank you Tabitha."

After leaving the house, I drove to Mary's Boutique and set to work making a blue tie for Stefan and a blue scarf for Lexi. I was almost finished when I received a message from Caroline saying she was hosting a party at the Grill tonight. I hoped Stefan and Lexi would be there so I could give them their gifts.

Miss Fell. (TVD Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora