"How did you know about the party then?"

"Swear to not tell anyone?"


"I kind of crashed the party."

"What?" I shouted; shocked that he would actually do that. The way I’ve been saying this makes it sound like we were having a normal conversation when in reality we were screaming our asses off just to be heard over the music.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist. "Come on, I hate shouting."

I just followed him like a lost puppy; mostly distracted by that fact that he was holding my hand. Before I knew it, we were outside the house and the music was just a muffled thumping in the background.

"You crashed the party?" I asked him incredulously.

"Yup, it was pretty easy. Heard the music and then the guy that let me in was way too drunk to notice that he didn’t even know me."

Dylan... I thought. "Was it worth it?"

"Of course. I finally got to talk to my mystery stalker!"

I chuckled. "Yah, real great opportunity right there,"

"You have no idea."

"What school?"


"What school are you going to? Idiot,"

"How d’you know I’m not in college?"

"College dudes don’t attend high school parties."

"But I crashed."

"You don’t look old enough...?" I sounded uncertain because he was right. He had crashed the party so it would make sense if he was in college.

"Duncan High, tenth grade."

"You are so not in the tenth grade!" I exclaimed, disbelievingly.

"Yup, I –"

He didn’t get to finish his sentence though because that was when Cole chose to leave the house and call my name.

"Gotta, go; my rides leaving. Later,"

He waved at me as I turned my back and walked up to Cole.

"Where’s Rachel?" I asked him once he was within hearing distance.

"I thought she was with you..."


I turned on my heel and walked back into the house. I checked the dance floor first. Nope. Kitchen? Nope. Swimming pool? Nope.

By this point I was completely freaking out. Where the hell was she? I checked the dance floor one more time, just to be sure. Still, no Rachel.

As a last ditch effort, I walked up some stairs to check whether she was in the bathroom or something. Curse your freaking huge house, Kristy! Rachel could be anywhere! I was so focused on cursing Kristy that I almost missed a hushed whisper from one of the bedrooms.

"Shhh! I don’t want my friend to find me!" and then a giggle.

Oh my god, Rachel, what have you gotten yourself into? I thought with a sigh.

I reached for the handle and pushed the door open.

"Oh no! How did she know I was in here?" Rachel let out a drunken giggle.

"Come on, Rachel. Let’s go,"

"No! I’m having fun with Jason!" She kissed him; as if trying to prove her point. If only I had my phone on me, it would be absolutely fun to show her this and watch as she cringed; regret’s a bitch.

There's Always August [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now