On arriving to the studio, the band had organized that the lyrics be shown on a screen so the fans could sing along if they wanted to. Now, eagerly, the Highrisers sang along with Elevation but when they realized, they now had their own song, the screaming and cheering began. Now they were blasting at the top of their lungs, standing and holding on to each other's hands, or around each other's shoulders, clapping or waving. 

The band was smiling through it all and when Noh sang the last word, the screams were beyond deafening. P'Tear bound up onto the stage with a huge grin. He could definitely say now that their voices were 100% true and the Noh effect was as real in person as fans claims. He had been spellbound for the entire set.

"That was outstanding!" And he could make that claim because he had run the gauntlet from talentless to overly talented. "Rising is such a beautiful song! Please tell us what inspired it."

"When we arrived yesterday, our fans were waiting to greet us at the hotel and they were so awesome. We couldn't wait. As soon as we got to the room, Noh and Dye started writing and Flex and Ex worked on the melody. I usually do rap verses and since there's none I just pitched in where I could."

"Actually he did the bridge to the song as well because the original was just lack luster and we didn't know what to do with it. He made the song complete." Noh admitted while he threw an arm over Ohm's shoulder. The phones were immediately out and snapping as the two obliviously grinned at each other. 

"The producers are telling me we have a clip of the moment in front of the hotel. Let's roll it."

The band watched as they got out of the car. This was from a fan's perspective and they hadn't seen it before. Because Noh knew where to look, he caught a bit of Phun's hand in the frame but that was all. They watched the entire clip and Ex and Ohm were caught rubbing over their hearts in happiness. Noh was smiling widely but he also looked very tired. 

"Well Noh, let's get you back on the couch. You look exhausted. Let's give it up for Elevation one more time!" As the applause resounded, they made their way back to the couch. Noh dropped into the seat and immediately propped his leg up. He let out a small sigh of relief and smiled. 

"So, about the games, I hear you have a surprise for me?" P'Tear began, once they settled down.

"Yes Sir. We have a special guest who was called in by Noh. He agreed to be Noh's stand in tonight and is actually willing to let Noh have the points even though he's the one playing!"

"Let's call him out here!" Ohm called out with a grin. Qued to enter, Film jogged out and waved at everyone. The audience was so surprised that there was a second pause before everyone went wild. 

"Oh my goodness! N'Film. It's a pleasure to have you on the show! Noh! How did you know I was a fan?!"

"Because I never miss your show. Film is actually a friend of ours. He also went to FC with Ohm and I."

"Yep. I was Marching Band Leader under Noh. He is actually a pretty good leader thought he was very reluctant back then. I'm sure he's glad that he only has four people to organize instead of 40." Film said with a laugh as he gave everyone the bro hug before plopping down next to Dye.

"My goodness. I hear Nong Per is also a part of your crew?"

"That crazy guy? Shout out to Per! I hope your not going too wild right now!" Film waved into a camera. Not long after his phone went off. 

"Hah. He says he is watching right now!" Usually they weren't allowed to have phones on the show but Film had commented that Per would text if he was given a shout out so they had allowed him to go on stage with it. As they saw it, this was their largest live audience by far. They were going to milk it for all it was worth.

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now