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PS: I know these author's notes are getting too much but I have to do this.

I learnt that some girl who probably attended primary school with me knows about my book. (I don't even know her, I just have a faint idea of her existence)

She, from what my English teacher told me, told him that I have a book on here (like wtf btw). I get that you might be excited about this whole Wattpad thing, but that doesn't mean that you should go airing someone else's business around!

Talk about yourself, not about someone else who has no idea you exist(I mean primary school was five freaking years ago!). You of all people should know that if this book is found out by any teacher, I am done for!

It's not even like this girl was a friend of mine in primary school! Even if she was, she didn't even bother to reach out to me! Yet she took it as a responsibility to tell a teacher about it!

Now teachers in my school know where I write. It's only a matter of time before they find this book.

So, I'm changing my username, changing this book's name etc, which is not comfortable for me at all!

So please kindly,

1. Shut the f up.

2. Forget about me.

3. Mind your own business.

4. Try to keep your mouth shut.

5. Rectify the problem you created! I do not know how you are going to do it, just do.

PPS: I will need a new cover which will carry my new username, book name etc, so if you can, please pm me. I also need an editor.

Mystery girl(OT): Thanks a bunch for all the help you rendered to me! (Note the sarcasm)

Good night. I'm deleting this soon.

PPPS: OT is the abbreviation of your name.

This was how I felt when my English teacher told me I had been snitched on:

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