Chapter Four

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Leaving his office trying to keep my head high and acting like his obvious flirting did not affect me took me a lot of courage.

When I was younger boys rarely paid attention to me so having someone who looks like a Greek god flirt with me left me slightly disoriented.

He wasn't flirting with you.

Was he?

I don't know.

I walked to the elevator pressing the twelfth floor before I saw a man holding a rather heavy looking briefcase.

"Hold the elevator" the man shouted.

More like screeched.

"Thank you" he says looking out of breath.

"No problem" I said.

This was when I really took my time to really examine this strange man's face. He had glasses perched at the tip of his nose and the cutest green candy apple eyes I had ever seen. His hair was sleeked back with just the right amount of hair gel and he was wearing a professional business suit.

'Of course he has to wear one. This is a professional organisation'. My subconscious piped in sarcastically.

Choosing to ignore her, I looked up at the gentleman staring down at me too.

"Have I seen you before?, I don't think you work here"

"Oh sorry, I'm the new head of marketing. The name's Katherine Hayes. Nice to meet your acquaintance".

"Ohhh. I'm Leo. Leonardo Gray. I'm your new personal assistant. I was to meet you on the twelfth floor but I had to come here to do some things"

"Ohhh. No problem Mr Grey" I said giving him a small smile.

The ride elevator ride to the twelfth floor was quick and strangle enough we were the only people in it. Others were probably working.

Sorting the piled up paperwork before the end of the day was a near impossible task, but I managed to finish up by seven pm before going home.

Walking out of the building, I spot a shadow beside a nice looking Rolls Royce. The figure looks over at me for a while before they get into their car and drive off.


On getting home I park my car and walk into my apartment building.

"Good evening ma'am" the doorman, I think his name's Renaldo says.

With a small smile and nod of acknowledgement in his direction I get into the elevator and press my floor button.

I open my door unsuspecting fiddling with the light switch before turning it on when I hear a bark and see a dog jumping into my arms.

"Sorry, I tried to calm him down but he was just so excited" Kim says coming out of my kitchen.

I looked back at the dog in my arms who was trying to lick my face.

"First, how did you get into my apartment and second why do you have a dog with you and third why do you look like that" I said, pointing at her hair which looked like...

"Oh my god. Did you have sex?!!" I asked her.

She nodded sheepishly.

"Please tell me it wasn't in my apartment??!!" I say looking horrified at the thought.

"No, I didn't.." she said before I cut her off with my rambling.

"Wait. But you just broke up with Callum on Friday an--" I said before she cut me off.

The CEO's Obsession حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن