Chapter Thirty-Two

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I went grocery shopping that evening. I wanted to cook something special for Kimberly when she got back. I also had an office space for rent that I was going to check out with the real estate agent before it was taken off the market.

I'd always been interested in fashion so I decided that I was going to do exactly that. I'd been drawing up plans for and it'd taken all if my time in the recent days but I was going to do it. I wasn't a quitter.

I hurried back home before six pm.

"Hello, Micheal." I greeted the doorman downstairs with a huge smile on my face.

"Evening, Ms. Katherine. Do you need some help with that?," he asked, while tipping his hat at me.

"No, thank you. I've got it." I said. Micheal was a sweet boy in his early twenties, just like me–but he had a boyish face which made him all the more cute.

I took the elevator upstairs to my apartment and realized the lights were on. I recalled putting them off before I left so I guessed Kim was home already.

I opened the door and found her cuddled up with someone on the couch.

Is that Reggie?!

"Kate! I missed you so much!" She squealed and leaped out if his arms before pulling me into a hug.

I hugged her back hesitantly while looking at Reginald with a lost look on my face.

"I missed you too," I said. She could definitely tell that I was very skeptical. "What's going on?" I asked.

Kimberly stepped back and held Reggie's hands in hers. He looked down at her and squeezed her hands in his. "We're in a relationship now."

"Don't freak out," he said quickly. "It's been going on for a while, that's why she's been frequenting Vegas. We didn't rush into it, if that's what you're worried about."

I was stunned to silence. Kim was dating my brother? Behind my back? I couldn't help but wonder if she had a motive. She'd just broken up with her abusive boyfriend a while ago. I was skeptical, but I was also hurt.

Why didn't they tell me before now? If I hadn't walked in while they were cuddled up? Or did they both come to New York to tell me about it in person? I had a shitload if questions that I wanted answers to but I didn't know here to start from.

"You've been seeing each other for weeks and didn't think to tell me? How did you two even become friends?" I asked, incredulously.

"Kate, just calm down and let me explain," Reggie said to me with wide eyes.

I wondered why he looked that shocked then I realized that my fingers were shaking and I had raised my voice unknowingly.

"I'm calm, what do you mean?" I said in an extra low tone this time. I folded my arms in front of my chest and looked at Kimberly after what seemed like a long time.

She was holding in to Reggie's forearm extra tight this time and she looked shaken up by my countenance too. I hadn't realized that I was reacting so intensely.

"I'm sorry for overreacting," I said, honestly. "I'm just shocked and I've been overwhelmed the whole day," I said in a half-lie.

"I'm happy for you two. Honestly." I took their hands in mine and slapped on the biggest smile that I could muster.

"Thank you," Kim said. Reggie grinned and took the groceries to the kitchen and left me with her.

"Are you mad? Promise you're not mad," she begged, eyes wide open.

"I'm not, promise. I'm so happy for you," I said. I was telling the truth.

She squealed and hugged me again. "What are you cooking tonight?" She asked as we walked to the kitchen to get started on dinner.

I considered bringing out my phone and telling Casp, but I had to wait till later.

He should have left the office now. I'll call him when I can.



The hard metal seats dug into my ass cheeks as it had done for the last thirty minutes. You'd think I'd be used to it by now but it still bothered me. I frowned as I stared at the pristine white floors in front of me. My ears were ringing from how hard I'd zoned out. Philip was sitting beside me. He'd come from California as he used to during our weekly visits like this. He never missed a day. I didn't either. I couldn't.

The door of the waiting room opened and her nurse walked in.

Philip and I stood up as fast as lightning and looked at her, expecting her to say the words we've been wanting to hear.

"You can see her now," her nurse informed us. "She's gotten much better in the last few months. She just has a couple of episodes here and there now and her wounds have healed up for the most part. Her doctor would also like to see you before you leave."

"Thank you, we'll just go see her now," Philip said with a small smile in his face.

My hands remained in my pockets while I bit the side of my lip and looked on with a straight face. I looked at the shopping bag Philip had clutched in his hands and hoped that I remembered to get everything she asked for. I did a mental check again, just as I'd done the first fifteen times.

We walked silently to the room. We stood in front of the door for a few silent seconds, before I knocked. The silence was routine for us. I guess it was because we somehow still hadn't come to the realization that what happened to our family actually took place.

I still hadn't come to terms with it.

I knocked again. "Cara?" I called. "It's us. Caspian and Philip." She already knew we'd be coming as usual, but I felt the need to for some odd reason.

In a few seconds, her shiny black hair appeared at the door post and I looked down at her. I let out a wide smile and opened my eyes wide.

"Cas! Philip!" Cara squealed and leaped at us. She was like this every week. Always bubbly. She'd always been. Until that woman did this to us.

"Sis!" I hugged her back and kissed her forehead. She was evidently gaining her weight back. Her eyes were still sunken but she was considerably better physically than she was when we rescued her from that place.

We shuffled into her room.

I was silent for most of the visit, strangely. Cara didn't seem to mind, talking Philip's ear off. It seemed her doctor was now confident she was fit to go home very soon.

There was a lump in my throat, a strange identifiable guilt was sitting in my chest this time.

But I'm doing this for her.

We didn't talk about those six months because of Cara. We couldn't. It hurt all of us. I just couldn't imagine how Cara would feel if she discovered who exactly my new girlfriend really was. So I hadn't told her about it. I just wanted her home first.

Author's note:

Next few chapters can be found on Moboreader, hinovel and Dreame until I put them up here. Byeee.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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