Chapter Twenty-Three

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Friday came quickly.

I had packed my duffel bag the day before anxiously waiting for it. I slept late that night. I couldn't stop thinking about where Caspian was taking me and more so, what Aiden wanted to talk about.

The coffee shop was dimly lit. Aiden was late–not like I expected anything different.

He showed up twelve minutes late.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I had a meeting."

At this time of the morning? Probably with a girl.

Awkward silence filled the air after that. I didn't have anything to say to him and I didn't get why he wanted to be my 'friend'.

"Should we order?" He asked.

I nodded my response and looked down at the menu card. He called the waitress over and we both gave her our orders.

"I'm sorry. I'll say it again and again. I'm sorry. I was an asshole who took advantage of your feelings for me and treated you like shit."

I mentally rolled my eyes. This is such a waste of time, I thought.

"It's okay. All is forgiven." I had decide to let go of the past and move on. Besides, I had found Caspian.

We talked for about thirty minutes, he did most of the talking though.

At a point, I started laughing at some stories he told of himself and my brother when they were still friends. I was so caught up in our conversation that I did not notice Caspian walk into the small cafe.

Aiden looked behind me and raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at his question. He didn't know about Caspian and there was no way Caspian would be in a small coffee shop when he told me we were going somewhere.

I looked back and froze. Caspian had walked out of the shop with Ralph, his bodyguard, close behind him.

I tried to keep calm but I failed. My hands were shaking. What would Caspian think of me since this was obvious proof that I was lying yesterday?

"How did you know about him?"

"Your dad..." I scoffed. I should have known they were up to something. Aiden sensed my change in attitude and his eyes widened.

"Not like that," he raised his hands up in defense, "Actually, your mom knows too. Everyone does. Pictures are on the internet."

Well, fuck me.

I sighed and got up. I had to see Caspian. He probably didn't see me with Aiden.

"I gotta go." I got up from my seat.

"I'll see you later?" He asked, unsure.

I raised my eyebrows. Aiden, the man who hated me suddenly wants to be friends. Nothing suspicious about that right?

"Maybe." I jogged out of there without waiting for his answer.

I got to the front of my apartment building and saw Caspian's cars waiting there. He wasn't supposed to be around yet. His bodyguard/driver was waiting outside one of the cars and greeted me.

"Miss Hayes," he said with a nod of his head.

I looked at him skeptically but waved anyway. He always managed to scare me.

I hurried up to my apartment and locked the door behind me. I looked around carefully, expecting Caspian to jump out and corner me.

Kimberly had gone to work because she had been gone for a long time, so she left early.

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