Chapter 19. Pale Diamond

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The new gem looked up from their hands and began to prance around in joy. "Fusion!" The gem said as they ran for the warp pad, which was surprisingly fast. The gem once again looked down at their hands and noticed the paleness in their skin, "Pale Diamond... wait Diamond?!" The gem said in a broken voice as they warped into a pitch black Temple.

The gem unfused to show Y/n and Pearl, looking at each other in disbelief, "What did you mean by Diamond?" Pearl asked as she got up and looked over Y/n with a scared expression. "Well... um... I may of learned a bit about the device that... changed me" Y/n said as they sat up, "But your going to have to follow me into my room" Y/n said as they opened their Temple door to show that it was completely the same as before, except for one thing "Wait... where is she?!" Y/n said as they began shuffling the blanket on the bed, looking for the familiar Diamond shape.

"Who are you talking about?" Pearl asked as Y/n flipped a pillow off the bed, it was only then that they saw the secret door was slightly ajar, "Oh no..." Y/n said as they whipped the door open. "Who is it?" Pearl asked once more, but instead Y/n jumped into the hole in the closet, Pearl following behind.

Y/n once again splashed into Pearls room, once again sinking into the platform. Pearl then landed next to Y/n elegantly, but then she noticed that they were swimming down so she followed Y/n down.

Y/n and Pearl then crashed into Amethyst's room, she was nowhere to be seen. "Where is she?!" Y/n said as they flipped the trash around looking for Silver. Pearl was about to ask again before Y/n jumped onto a pole and slid down it to the bubble room, or as the gems call it, The Crystal Heart.

There, stood Silver as Garnet had her Gauntlets at the ready and Amethyst had her whip out. "Please, I don't mean any harm!" Silver pleaded as she stood on the edge of the lava pit, slowly stepping back. Y/n quickly leaped down in between the two gems and the Diamond, Garnet and Amethyst were already mid attack and couldn't stop, Y/n closed their eyes in fear.

Y/n hear two clanks, they then opened their eyes to see Garnet and Amethyst had been thrown back and Y/n had their armor on, their feet slammed into the ground to make sure they wouldn't move. "Silver isn't a bad Diamond! Even ask Steven!" Y/n said as the gems got up from Y/n's defense. Y/n quickly went over to Silver after making their armor dissipate. "Are you okay Silver? Did they hurt you?" Y/n said as they hugged Silver and pulled her away from the lava pit. "I'm okay, but what I wanna know is how your fusion felt" Silver said as she raised an eyebrow with a devilish grin.

"H-How does she know about it?" Pearl asked as she stood back in shock, Amethyst also looked shocked and Garnet just grinned a bit, "W-Well the fusion felt... awesome" Y/n said as they looked over at Pearl with a soft and happy smile, "And she knows because she was the gem who gave me these powers, and in doing so we have a psychic connection" Y/n said as they gestured at Silver who slightly blushed.

"I thought I bubbled her" Garnet said as she looked down at Y/n, "Um... well, She called to me in the night so I decided to come find her" Y/n said as Silver stood beside Y/n and latched onto their arm like they were a cushion. "Excuse me Silver but um, what are you doing?" Y/n asked as they looked over at the cute Diamond. "Well I missed you!" Silver said as she picked Y/n up in her arms, "It hasn't even been a day" Y/n said as they looked over at the other gems who opened the Temple door and began to head out to the beach. As soon as the gems left the Temple out to the beach, Y/n jumped out of Silver's arms so it'll be easier to get through the door. Y/n then began to hear a light sobbing behind them to see Silver trying to hold back tears.

"Oh my stars are you okay?" Y/n asked as they hurried back to Silver, "I-I hate being poofed... I was poofed for so long that... the emptiness frightens me" Silver said as Y/n began wiping Silver's tears away. "Thank you my Y/n" Silver said as she hugged Y/n once more, "No problem, now we should probably go outside with the others so we don't wake Steven" Y/n said as they went out to the beach.

The gems were talking with each other as Y/n and Silver approached. "So, how about showing us your fusion?" Garnet said as she grinned a bit, still happy about there being another fusion to meet. "Well I guess we could, right Y/n?" Pearl said as she went into a ballerina like stance, "Wait, how do we fuse?, we did it by accident" Y/n asked as Pearl began spinning and dancing fluently. "You just need to dance dude!" Amethyst said as she began to thrash her hair around, "Be one with the world around you" Garnet said as she started to sway her hips hypnotically, "Or just go with the wind, like a flower petal" Pearl added as she pranced through the air.

"Or you could just express your emotions into a dance" Steven said as he wiped his eyes while leaving the Temple, "What are you doing awake?!" Pearl said in a strong parental tone. "I heard someone speaking so I got up to see, I also see you met Silver" Steven said as he rolled down the hill and onto the beach, "I still don't trust her" Amethyst mumbled as she looked over at Silver.

"Well lets try it out" Y/n said as they took a deep breath in and got into their dance position, Y/n and Pearl then danced with one another in a some what clumsy display of fusion. "Are they really going to fuse?!" Steven asked with a small smile since he was still a little tired, "Their going to try to fuse" Amethyst corrected.

A light made the gems look away in shock, except for the over excited Garnet, "Oh, I'm back" Pale Diamond said as they looked down at their form and saw that it was a mixture of Y/n's clothes and Pearl's as well. The gems looked at Pale Diamond as the new fusion looked down at them, "Another giant woman!" Steven said with a sudden burst of energy, Amethyst just stood their with her jaw dropped and Garnet just had her hand out, waiting to give Pale's hand a shake.

"It's nice to meet you all, my names Pale Diamond!" Pale said as they leaped up summoning their armor that was a light peach color and then summoned their spear to plummet into the ground, just to stand on the end of it and balance.


Btw Pale is twice the size of Garnet

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