Chapter 28. Road Trip

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Y/n panicked as they looked at every bubble in the Temple Heart. Y/n went back to their room to try find it their, still no luck.

"Okay if I sent them home, and it wasn't the Temple Heart, or my Temple room then... oh no... OHNO!" Y/n was even more frightened, realizing that the closest thing to their home... IS THEIR ACTUAL HOME.

Y/n quickly ran out of their room, to see the gems including Steven, Connie, Greg, Peridot and Lapis. They were all celebrating the win against Wilckson, well the win of a battle, but not a war. "Hey guys, you wouldn't mind a... Road trip? To my home town? For a celebration?" Y/n asked nervously trying to not say why they actually want to go. "So you want to introduce us to your family?!" Steven asked excitingly. "Yeah, that's why" Y/n said scratching their head.

The Gems agreed to the road trip, the only ones who weren't going were Lapis, Peridot, Silver and Connie. Greg was packing the van with Steven's stuff as well as his own while Y/n packed their stuff into the van as well. The gems didn't pack anything since they don't really need anything.

"Why do you suddenly want to go visit home anyway?" Amethyst asked as she helped Y/n. "I think I just forgot something" Y/n replied as they packed their final bag. "Wheres your home at anyway?" Amethyst asked once again. "Well we've moved all around the world, we've been to the U.S., The U.K., Brazil, The Philippines, Poland, Slovenia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, We've been other places to and at the moment my family is living in Australia" Y/n replied while getting into the van. "Wow, you traveled without warp pads a lot in the past then" Steven spoke as he got into the passenger seat. Y/n and the gems only just fit into the van, Amethyst did need to shape shift into a cat to fit but she was okay with that.

The van set off down the high way before Greg stopped the van suddenly and pulled to the side of the road. "Wait... AUSTRALIA?! We can't drive there!" Greg said as he U-turned and went back to Beach City. "Don't unpack the car, I have an idea" Y/n said as they got out of the van and went back to the Temple. Y/n began digging through the sand, looking for a familiar light blue crystal.

Y/n finally found some rock, they then used their inhuman strength to pull it out of the ground and found a warp pad attached to it. Y/n then ripped the warp pad off the stone hand and carried it to the van where the others were. "You broke the warp pad off the Temple!?" Pearl screamed as she ran over. "Don't worry, it was already broken off the Temple" Y/n said as they settled Pearl. Y/n placed the warp pad down and then warped to the star warp which Pearl showed them once.

Y/n then removed a broken warp from the star warp and tossed it off the side, Y/n quickly warped back and grabbed the falling warp. "Okay Steven, give it a good old spit fix!" Y/n asked, Steven happily used his healing spit to fix the broken warp. Y/n then picked up the warp once again and looked up, they then tossed the warp hard enough towards the South East.

"Okay, that should be somewhere on Australia" Y/n said with a hopeful tone.

"Are you sure? We don't want to warp the van into the ocean" Pearl asked as she helped push the van across the sand, towards the warp. "I'll check, be right back" Y/n said as they stood on the warp pad, it then glowed as Y/n flew through the air. Next thing they knew, they were in the land down under. "Hmm, home would be... South from here" Y/n said to them self as they looked around for a road. To their left was a highway.

Y/n warped back to Beach City to see the gems waiting patiently. "We're all good, just need to push the van over a bit of grass and then we can get driving" Y/n stated as they helped the gems push the van onto the somewhat big warp pad. They all managed to warp the bulky van to Australia, even though two of the gems had to warp since one wasn't powerful enough to warp the whole van.

"Welcome to Australia" Y/n said as they began pushing the van onto the highway. The gems as well as Greg and Steven were off, driving down the highway while Y/n sat in the back of the van to sleep. Since they haven't had any time to sleep recently, this sweaty and humid van was a blessing as Y/n slept like a rock

It had been three days since they all warped to Australia, the highway was long. But they were almost at Y/n's home. "Kinda glad we decided to go back and grab the warp, if we didn't it'd cost way more just to get back to Beach City" Greg said as he stopped at a gas station. "How much longer" Amethyst said as she groaned in boredom and was covered in sweat. "Just ten more minutes Amethyst. Just ten more, painful, hot, sweaty minutes" Steven said as he looked at the GPS Greg picked up.

Greg finally got into the van and continued driving. "You know what, screw it" Y/n said as they leaped out of the van and rolled under it, suddenly the van lifted up. Y/n was using their inhuman strength to raise the van. Y/n then started to run, slowly bending their knees more. Suddenly Garnet appeared beside Y/n as she helped them lift the car. "Okay, three, two, ONE!" Y/n said as they jumped with Garnet following.

The van soared through the sky, Greg was screaming with Pearl while Amethyst and Steven laughed in excitement. "I see my house! Just down their" Y/n said to Garnet, who then went to the top of the van and pushed it towards the ground.

The van landed softly outside Y/n's house, and their Mom's car wasn't their. "Must be at work" Y/n said as they pulled a pair of keys out from their pocket. As soon as they did that, they heard a crash from inside the house. Y/n quickly opened the door to see Jasper and Zenite wrestling across the lounge room. "OH NONONONONONO" Y/n quickly summoned their sword and poofed both Zenite and Jasper and bubbled then, sending them back to their room in this house.

The Gems as well as Steven and Greg burst into the house, weapons ready. Only to see Y/n standing in the middle of a wreaked room. "...possums?" Y/n said, with a lie in their throat.


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