Chapter 21. Who Is Wilckson

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Steven and the others arrived at the Barn, Lapis was watching the TV as usual and Peridot was working on a meepmorp that looked oddly like Y/n.

"Oh Steven! Is the Y/n here?" Peridot asked as she quickly threw a sheet over the meepmorp in progress. "Nah, they almost got crushed so their chillin" Amethyst said, sending a horrified expression on Peridot's face, "Don't worry Peridot, they didn't get hurt... well not immensely" Pearl assured Peridot as she pulled the weird robot worm out of her gem, it was now in a sandwich bag to make sure it didn't get slime everywhere.

"Is that gem tech?" Peridot asked as she gently grabbed the robot and removed it from the bag. "New generation tech too" Peridot continued as she observed it. "Well there is one thing odd about it..." Peridot said as she grabbed at something inside the robot, she then pulled out some machinery that Pearl found interesting.

"That's human technology, but why was it in the Gem tech?" Pearl said as she grabbed the part that Peridot just removed. "Wait, there's a logo on it" Pearl added as she looked at it closely.

"Who's 'Wilckson'?" Pearl said, Steven suddenly jumped up onto Pearl's shoulders and looked at the logo, "That's Wilckson Industries!" Steven said excitingly as he snatched the part from Pearl. "So gems are putting human technology into their robots? That makes no sense! And just to attack Y/n" Peridot thought out loud as she began taking apart the bug. "Or it could be humans with gem tech Peri" Amethyst said as Steven borrowed Peridot's tablet and searched for 'Wilckson Industries'.

"Apparently he's released a new line of house hold devices and phones that all look like gem tech" Steven stated as he passed his phone to Pearl. Pearl began reading through the details and noticed shipment locations. "The first shipment of new devices are apparently here in Beach City. Mayor Dewey will be there hosting the arrival, and Mr. Wilckson is apparently visiting" Pearl said slowly as she scrolled down the screen.

"Well we can find Wilckson and make him pay for hurting Y/n" Amethyst said as she summoned and cracked her whip, "Well we're not gonna hurt him, but we do need to have... a talk with him" Pearl corrected Amethyst. "This technology is extremely unstable! The mixture of human and gem parts make the machine prone to becoming sentinel!" Peridot said as she was going over the schematics on the Wilckson website. "And... what does that mean?" Steven asked as he grabbed his phone from Pearl and put it back in his pocket. "It means that the robots can't be controlled, and since they have blenders and microwaves... these things could be deadly to humans" Pearl explained. "Well good thing that the shipment is in Beach City, we can destroy it all" Amethyst said as she swung her whip. "That would only be a small part of their devices though, the factory would still be running and producing even if we destroy a shipment" Steven said sounding like a genius.

"Worst is that there's more things that can hurt Steven and Y/n!" Peridot claimed as she grabbed her hair in fear. Suddenly a water blast interrupted everyone as Lapis flew down, "What's hurting Steven and Y/n?!" Lapis asked as she surrounded herself in water weapons.

Steven then went on explaining to Lapis about Wilckson, she was not happy.

"We have to take him down before he gets you two!" Lapis panicked as she grabbed Steven. "Don't worry, we'll talk to him about his risky robots" Pearl said, finishing off the conversation

Y/n was still in Steven's bed with Garnet and Silver sitting on chairs beside them, "You know I'm fine, my healing is faster so this should be gone by tomorrow" Y/n said as they got up out of bed, only to be shoved back in. "No! If you need something, you ask us" Silver said as she crossed her arms and pouted. "Ughh, fine" Y/n replied as they rolled over in the bed and looked out the window at the beach, only for a yellow colored dog with machine like armor to stare back at them. The dog's eyes then turned red and the dog began to grow into a werewolf like beast, but also looking like their half cyborg.

Y/n then turned around to tell Garnet but she was already gone. "Where did Garnet go?" Y/n asked as he looked around the Temple from Steven's bed. "She went into the Temple door to grab a surprise for you" Silver said with a happy smile. "Well umm..." Y/n was about to tell Silver about the beast until they remembered that Silver doesn't have powers anymore, she'd be poofed and crushed like she was nothing.

"...can I go to the toilet?" Y/n said even though they didn't need it. "Oh um, I mean sure. Let me help you" Silver said, still not knowing how the toilet is a private place. "Well humans can't go if someones there so..." Y/n replied, "Okay, just don't strain yourself!" Silver said as Y/n got up and went down the stairs, before using their inhuman speed to quickly run outside and towards the Beast at full force.

Y/n summoned their sword and armor as they ran at the werewolf, Y/n slowly noticed that the beast had a gem on their neck. "It's a corruption" Y/n told them self as they jumped up and spun to hit the wolf corruption, but it just bounced straight off, Y/n had hit some of the weird machinery on it.

"Damn! where did you get that fancy crap from?" Y/n asked the corruption expecting no reply, but they were wrong. "I got it from your biggest fan" The corruption said in a broken and crackly voice. Y/n was still startled but they still couldn't help but ask "Who would that be?" Y/n said as they blocked an attack from the wolf's claw. "Wilckson" The corruption stated as they caught Y/n off guard and threw them at the Temple window, breaking it. "Y/N?!" Silver screamed as Y/n got up from the attack. "Oh by the way, my name? It's Zenite!" The corruption yelled as it leaped into the Temple, the machines on Zenite transformed into a gun on their hand and pointed it at Y/n.


The Zenite has been unleashed!

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